--------------------- Added ~~~~~~ - renamed `spectral_average` into `average_irs` in ``transfer_functions`` module. Now also a time-aligned average of irs can be done
Misc ~~~~~ - Refactored some backend functions
--------------------- Added ~~~~~~ - Distortion analysis of IR when measured with an exponential chirp
Bugfix ~~~~~~ - Selecting a bit depth for saving wav and flac files is now possible
--------------------- Added ~~~~~~ - ``reverb_time`` now has option ``Topt``
Bugfix ~~~~~~ - ``fade`` in ``log`` mode has been corrected to have the correct length - ``istft`` in `transforms` module can handle different fft lengths
Misc ~~~~~~ - ``_welch`` is now faster when the autospectrum is computed
--------------------- Bugfix ~~~~~~ - ``window_frequency_dependent`` now handles frequency boundaries in vector properly
--------------------- Bugfix ~~~~~~ - bugfix in ``_check_ir_start_reverb``. Now any integer type can be used for the start indices - ``combine_ir_with_dirac`` now takes into account the polarity of the original impulse response - ``fractional_octave_smoothing`` can now clip values below 0
--------------------- Bugfix ~~~~~~ - bugfix in ``find_ir_latency``