
Latest version: v2.0.4

Safety actively analyzes 702407 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


- Increase the default values of `nvermax` and `nsegmax` to 100000 from 10000 (29)
- Enable to define displacements for limited pairs (30)
- Fix `time` field in the output file (this was too divided by `nmcs`) (deef13fc965c9c7d9310b063b1a272aebe1dc680)
- `dla_latgen` (32)
- Fixed a bug in interactions in lattice.dat when some boundary condition is open
- Fixed a bug in sites in lattice.dat for kagome lattice
- Added a tiny sample for SU(3) antiferromagnetic Hisenberg dimer, `05_sun_dimer`


mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


- New sample 04_spindynamics

- Bug fixes (22, 23)


mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


- Update docs
- Fixed some bugs


mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


- Update docs
- Fixed some bugs


mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


QMC solver `dla`
- QMC solvers `dla_H` and `dla_B` are unified into the single program, `dla`.
- Sign reweighting method is implemented.
Input files
- `algorithm.xml`
- `Site`
- New elements: `LocalStates`
- `LocalStates` denotes elements of the local basis.
- For example, the values of `S_i^z` for the spin models.
- `Interaction`
- New elements: `Sign`
- `Sign` denotes the sign of the offdiagonal matrix elements of the local Hamiltonian.
- `lattice.xml`
- Site `S`
- The measurement type is removed.
- Staggered observables such as `amzs` now use the wavevector XML file `wv.xml`.
- Structure factor XML file `sf.xml` and momentum space temperature Green's function XML file `ck.xml` are replaced by wavevector XML file `wv.xml`
- Trotter number `Ntau` is now specified in the parameter file.
- Real space temperature Green's function XML file `cf.xml` is replaced by displacement XML file `disp.xml`
- Trotter number `Ntau` is now specified in the parameter file.
Generators for input files
- All generators are rewritten in Python.
- New lattice generator `dla_latgen`
- `dla_latgen` can adopt periodic and open boundary condition.
- Hypercubic, triangular, honeycomb, and kagome lattices are already defined.
- New auxiliary files
- Hamiltonian TOML file
- defines local (e.g., site, bond) hamiltonian
- Lattice TOML file
- defines a lattice by using unitcell and translate vectors
- Wavevector data file
- defines wavevectors
- `dla_alg` now adopts the [Suwa-Todo algorithm](https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.120603) for calculating the scattering probability of a worm head at vertices.

- Input generator `dsqss_pre.py` is now renamed to `pmwa_pre`.


mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../usr ../
make install


QMC solver `dla`
- QMC solvers `dla_H` and `dla_B` are unified into the single program, `dla`.
- Sign reweighting method is implemented.
Input files
- `algorithm.xml`
- `Site`
- New elements: `LocalStates`
- `LocalStates` denotes elements of the local basis.
- For example, the values of `S_i^z` for the spin models.
- `Interaction`
- New elements: `Sign`
- `Sign` denotes the sign of the offdiagonal matrix elements of the local Hamiltonian.
- `lattice.xml`
- Site `S`
- The measurement type is removed.
- Staggered observables such as `amzs` now use the wavevector XML file `wv.xml`.
- Structure factor XML file `sf.xml` and momentum space temperature Green's function XML file `ck.xml` are replaced by wavevector XML file `wv.xml`
- Trotter number `Ntau` is now specified in the parameter file.
- Real space temperature Green's function XML file `cf.xml` is replaced by displacement XML file `disp.xml`
- Trotter number `Ntau` is now specified in the parameter file.
Generators for input files
- All generators are rewritten in Python.
- New lattice generator `dla_latgen`
- `dla_latgen` can adopt periodic and open boundary condition.
- Hypercubic, triangular, honeycomb, and kagome lattices are already defined.
- New auxiliary files
- Hamiltonian TOML file
- defines local (e.g., site, bond) hamiltonian
- Lattice TOML file
- defines a lattice by using unitcell and translate vectors
- Wavevector data file
- defines wavevectors
- `dla_alg` now adopts the [Suwa-Todo algorithm](https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.120603) for calculating the scattering probability of a worm head at vertices.

- Input generator `dsqss_pre.py` is now renamed to `pmwa_pre`.

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