Version 0.1.1 contains new features and small bug fixes. We have also begun work on the Python API; this API is presumed unstable and not yet intended for broad use.
New features:
* `dsub` supports combining command-line (`--label`, `--env`, `--input`, `--output`) and `--tasks` file flags.
* Label values are less restrictive (for example, they can now be numeric).
* Added new GCE zones (`europe-west3`, `southamerica-east1`)
* `start-time` is now included in `dstat` full output
* `status-message` is now included in `dstat` full output.
* `--version` flag was added to `dsub`, `dstat`, and `ddel`.
* `local` provider now supports relative paths to local input/output files.
Minor changes:
* `` now displays test timing information.
* `local` provider container names are more user-friendly.
Bugs fixed:
* `local` provider job/task names are now validated to conform with docker container name restrictions.
* `dstat` date field formats are now consistent.
* Various `local` provider internal fixes.