* [129](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/129): show dtype when hovering over header in "Highlight Dtypes" mode and description tooltips added to main menu
* made "No Aggregation" the default aggregation in charts
* bugfix for line charts with more than 15000 points
* updated "Value Counts" & "Category Breakdown" to return top on initial load
* [118](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/118): added scattergeo & choropleth maps
* [121](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/121): added "not equal" toggle to filters
* [132](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/132): updated resize button to "Refresh Widths"
* added "Animate" toggle to scatter, line & bar charts
* [131](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/131): changes to "Reshape Data" window
* [130](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/130): updates to pivot reshaper
* [128](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/128): additional hover display of code snippets for column creation
* [112](https://github.com/man-group/dtale/issues/112): updated "Group" selection to give users the ability to select group values