- Removed `tox` from requirements. It was not used, but was breaking our builds due to recent pushes to `virtualenv`.
- Support test suites
- Easier way to rerun failed tests - generate test suite with all the failed tests and also print them in the log so that user can copy them and paste as ducktape command line arguments
- Python 2 is no longer supported, minimum supported version is 3.6
- Added `--deflake N` flag - if provided, it will attempt to rerun each failed test up to N times, and if it eventually passes, it will be marked as Flaky - `299 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/299>`_
- [backport, also in 0.9.1] - use a generic network device based on the devices found on the remote machine rather than a hardcoded one - `314 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/314>`_ and `#328 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/328>`_
- [backport, also in 0.9.1] - clean up process properly after an exception during test runner execution - `323 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/323>`_
- [backport, also in 0.9.1] - log ssh errors - `319 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/319>`_
- [backport, also in 0.9.1] - update vagrant tests to use ubuntu20 - `328 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/328>`_
- [backport, also in 0.9.1] - added command to print the total number of nodes the tests run will require - `320 <https://github.com/confluentinc/ducktape/pull/320>`_