
Latest version: v0.1.4

Safety actively analyzes 687918 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- :dart: feat: create_const function can receive Formatter instance. (_2023-09-01_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: fix parser method of formatter object that riase if duplicate format str. (_2023-09-01_)


Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: change import layer of dup-uitls deps package. (_2023-08-28_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: generate Constant instance does not separate class attr. (_2023-08-31_)



- :dart: feat: add make_order_fmt func that make new order formatter obj. (_2023-08-27_)
- :dart: feat: add auto_serial in formatter ordered object. (_2023-08-27_)
- :dart: feat: add FMTS class attr for dynamic foramtter mapping when ordered. (_2023-08-26_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: add type of formatter group argument. (_2023-08-27_)
- :construction: refactored: split object of relative to objects file. (_2023-08-27_)
- :test_tube: test: add test cases for relativeserial object. (_2023-08-26_)
- :art: style: reformat code and comment message. (_2023-08-26_)
- :art: style: change code style that make wrong newline issue. (_2023-08-26_)
- :construction: refactored: add pre-commit message and change deps of test and dev optional deps. (_2023-08-25_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: change the version of dup-utils that fix import issue. (_2023-08-27_)
- :gear: fixed: duplicate replaces to the previous value on format method. (_2023-08-26_)
- :gear: fixed: add omit cli files for coverage process (_2023-08-25_)



- :dart: feat: add cli commands of formatter object parsing method (_2023-08-24_)
- :dart: feat: add utils package from dup-uitls project (_2023-07-11_)
- :dart: feat: add cli for formatter package (_2023-07-10_)
- :dart: feat: add performance load test for memory usage when init (_2023-06-19_)
- :dart: feat: Create dependabot.yml (_2023-06-19_)
- :dart: feat: add script for commit-msg and generate release note (_2023-06-19_)
- :dart: feat: edit pre-commit-msg hook (_2023-06-19_)
- :dart: feat: New (_2023-06-19_)

Code Changes

- :test_tube: test: add type annotation with required by mypy package (_2023-08-24_)
- :construction: refactor: remove commit-message script (_2023-07-03_)
- :construction: refactor: ⬆ bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (_2023-06-19_)
- :construction: refactor: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.5 to 1.8.6 (_2023-06-19_)
- script: add precommit (_2023-06-19_)
- :test_tube: test: add type construct of formatter object scenario (_2023-06-19_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: prepare and remove unsuable code in pyproject.toml (_2023-06-23_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fix: delete extension file from git command (_2023-06-20_)
- :gear: fix: merge change from main that add dependabot config (_2023-06-19_)
- :gear: fix: commit-msg (_2023-06-19_)
- :gear: fix: (_2023-06-19_)
- :gear: fix: has_warning (_2023-06-19_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add bump2version dependency and update version dup-utils (_2023-08-24_)



- :gear: fix: add type annotation for 100% coverage that missing (7)
- :gear: fix: debug pytest for another python versions


- :dart: feat: add abstract class for Formatter object (7)


- :page_facing_up: docs: add more README.md



- :gear: fix: add ignore htmlcov


- :toolbox: build: add black config on pyproject.toml


- :dart: feat: add type annotation and fix typing issue for mypy 100% coverage (6)
- :dart: test: add test examples
- :dart: feat: add bump2version
- :dart: feat: add local hook for pytest
- :dart: feat: add test pipeline for python version 3.10, 3.11


- :page_facing_up: docs: add more CONTRIBUTING.md

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