* remote: bring back manual close_pools() (3274) efiop * diff: format summary to make it more human readable (3260) mroutis
* dvc: do not check for isdir on recursive out collect (3268) Suor * lint:beautysh pre-commit hook (3263) casperdcl * api: prepare for dvcx summon/publish (3251) Suor * diff: reimplement interface and tests from scratch (3229) mroutis
* install: fix post-checkout hook (3253) efiop
* gdrive: Init drive if corpora property value requested. (3252) MaxRis * UI progress cleanup (2846) casperdcl
* Set corpora and driveId params values based on type of remote disk - shared or user's. (3239) MaxRis * config: verify before saving a modification (3193) mroutis * erepo: make it better (3234) Suor
* push: improve 'no remote specified' hint (3213) fabiosantoscode * Remove usage of google-api-python-client deps (3232) MaxRis * install: post-checkout: run only on branches/tags (3228) efiop * remote: verify cache exists on dir checksum (3225) pared * some doc link fixes (3231) pared * erepo: pull each time (3227) Suor