* Using ``qtpy`` library instead of my own Qt5/6 mechanism * Using f-strings * Extended API and docstrings, like on `PlotManager`. * Arguments `linked_curves` and `linked_plots` are hinted as `Sequence` instead of as `List`
Added support:
* Support for Numpy 2.0
------------------ * Raise `ImportError` instead of general `Exception`
------------------ * Added link to notes on use-case: DAQ
------------------ * Minor edit: Using explicit arguments `x` and `y` to set the curve data and set the flag `skipFiniteCheck=True`. Both save (marginal) CPU time.
------------------ * Bug fix: Snapshot creation checks if internal buffer is of type RingBuffer and casts to numpy.ndarray. This resolves an intermittent error where the `isfinite` boolean return array was operating as mask on the RingBuffer, which fails. The boolean return array now always operates on numpy.ndarray. * Fix for external bug in `paintGL` of `pyqtgraph\graphicsItems\PlotCurveItem.py`: Added explicit check to ensure that the curve is only drawn when it has more than 1 point. * Added benchmark running `python=3.10` and `pyqtgraph==0.13.1`
------------------ * Fixed bug when using PyQt6: `QMessageBox.Yes` --> `QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes`