
Latest version: v0.5.11

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- [Control Chart] Adjusted Control Charts automatically populated from Regressions tab after running model
- [Regression] Run all regressions on run
- [Machine Learning] Redesigned PlotRandomForest class to PlotMachineLearning to support Random Forest, Decision Tree,
Gradient Boost, and Support Vector Machine
- [Machine Learning] Modules redesigned to allow for complete input parameter customization
- [Machine Learning] Modules allow for data splitting (training and testing)
- [Machine Learning] Models can be saved to a pickle file, their use not yet implemented


DVH Analytics has been completely rewritten using the wxPython Phoenix framework.
- Tested on Mac OS Mojave, Windows 7, and Linux.
- No longer depends on launching bokeh servers
- PostgreSQL database is still needed and is in largely the same format as before (new columns added)
- Modeling with Random Forest has been added, other algorithms coming soon
- Control Charts and Adjusted Control Charts have been added
- Currently only one query group is allowed, 2nd group will come in a future version
- DICOM files are properly connected with SOPInstanceUIDs rather than just StudyInstanceUIDs
- Multiple plans connected by the same StudyInstanceUID will have their dose grids automatically summed
- WARNING: this assumes your dose grids are aligned, interpolation for non-aligned grids coming soon


* Allow roi_name in query


* Beam complexity is now CP MU weighted sum (not mean complexity)
* Plan complexity is MU weighted sum of beam complexity times scaling factor in default_options.py
* Toxicity and complexity values now can be stored as NULL values


* In the Regression tab, plotting any variable with min, median, mean, or max crashed on axis title update. Fixed.
* Min, mean, median and max of beam complexity, beam area, control point MU now calculated at time of import
* These new values are available for time-series, correlation, and regression tabs in the main view
* Terminal now prints mrn of excluded plans due to non-numeral data used for correlation / regression
* Fixed bug causing crash at import due to some now missing SQL columns


* Bokeh >=1.0.4 now required
* Import Notes tab added to Admin view for quick reference
* Protocol and Toxicity tabs added to Admin view
* Use Protocol tab to designate plans that are attached to a particular protocol
* Use Toxicity tab to enter toxicity grades (must be integer values)
* DVH Analytics 0.5.4 will have appropriate statistical tests for toxicity data
* Selecting rows in the table will auto-populate the MRN Input text area
* Note that you can copy and paste multiple rows from Excel into the text area inputs
* Plotting PTV Distances in Regression tab previously caused a crash, issue resolved

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