Release Notes
This version of DVR-Scan includes a new, faster background subtraction algorithm (`-b CNT`). Results may be slightly different when using this method, so any feedback is most welcome.
* [feature] Add new `-b`/`--bg-subtractor` argument to allow selecting between the MOG and CNT background subtractor types (e.g. `dvr-scan -b CNT`). Resolves [48]( The following background subtractor types are available:
* `MOG` is the default
* `CNT` is a newer, faster algorithm (feedback is welcome)
* [bugfix] When using the `-o`/`--output` argument, a file is no longer written to disk if no motion events are found in the input file ([50](
Known Issues
* Variable framerate videos (VFR) are not fully supported, and will yield incorrect timestamps ([20](
* Using the `-roi` flag with high resolution videos can result in the window exceeding the size of the monitor ([59](
* When using `-tc`/`--time-code` the start of the video may have a frozen timestamp ([68](
* The kernel size must be manually adjusted when using `-df`/`--downscale-factor` ([46](
* When using `--frame-skip`, the `--min-event-length` parameter must be manually adjusted, and exported clips will have the wrong playback speed