* Use the dwave.embedding namespace for embedding utilities rather than dimod.embedding
* Use dimod 0.8.x, especially `SampleSet` rather than `Response`.
New Features
* dwave.embedding namespace
* `broken_chains` function to find broken chains in samplesets
* chain break resolution functions: `discard`, `majority_vote`, `weighted_random`, `MinimizeEnergy`
* `embed_bqm`, `embed_ising` and `embed_qubo` functions.
* `unembed_sampleset` function
* `target_to_source` function that determines the source graph from a target graph and embedding
* `chain_to_quadratic` function that finds the quadratic biases that induce a chain
* `chain_break_frequency` function to find the frequency of chains being broken in a sample set
* `find_clique_embedding` function for pegasus
* Exceptions for specific embedding issues in `dwave.embedding.exceptions`
Bug Fixes
* `EmbeddingComposite` embeds in spin-space, eliminating some energy range errors.