
Latest version: v3.2.6

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- Bump dev version. [Bruno Rocha]
- Added few more enhancements to django and flask extensions + docs.
[Bruno Rocha]
- Bump dev version. [Bruno Rocha]


- Fix the definition of Django prefixed variable. [Bruno Rocha]
- Merge pull request 78 from mattkatz/patch-1. [Bruno Rocha]

small corrections for usage.md
- Small corrections for usage.md. [Matt Katz]

This library is great, just a correction in the docs.

There must be AT LEAST one default section.

Changed **ATTENTION** to **ATTENTION**: to match with the style of **NOTE:**
- Merge pull request 75 from yoyonel/master. [Bruno Rocha]

Fix in 'dynaconf/base.py' for __getitem__ method
- Bump version. [latty]
- [Fix] in 'dynaconf/base.py' for __getitem__ method, change (fix) the
condition to raise a exception. Update unit tests. Bump version.
- Release 1.0.3. [Bruno Rocha]

- Excluded example and tests from release dist
- removed root logger configuration


- Merge pull request 72 from chobeat/issue_71. [Bruno Rocha]

Removed root config
- Removed root config. [Simone Robutti]
- Merge pull request 70 from allan-silva/master. [Bruno Rocha]

Exclude example and tests folders from setup (twitter help wanted)
- Exclude example and tests folders from setup (twitter help wanted)
- Merge pull request 67 from cassiobotaro/patch-1. [Bruno Rocha]

Incorrect help
- Fix docs. [cassiobotaro]
- Incorrect help. [Cássio Botaro]

For while is impossible to use --to as argument.
- Merge pull request 66 from gpkc/patch-1. [Bruno Rocha]

Fixing typos
- Merge pull request 1 from gpkc/patch-2. [Guilherme Caminha]

Update README.md
- Update README.md. [Guilherme Caminha]
- Update usage.md. [Guilherme Caminha]
- Adjust logs to include python module names. [Bruno Rocha]
- Fix sphinx aafig syntax for python 3.x. [Bruno Rocha]


- Merge pull request 65 from rochacbruno/testing_bare_install. [Bruno

Add install test stage
- Add -y. [Bruno Rocha]
- Add install test stage. [Bruno Rocha]
- Fix loader import error and improved logs. [Bruno Rocha]
- Clean up [skip ci] [Bruno Rocha]
- Fix URL generation in markdown for sphinx [skip ci] [Bruno Rocha]
- Merge pull request 64 from rochacbruno/improve_docs. [Bruno Rocha]

Improved documentation
- Improved documentation. [Bruno Rocha]
- [skip ci] [Bruno Rocha]


- Merge pull request 63 from rochacbruno/adds_more_python_versions.
[Bruno Rocha]

Adds more python versions
- Cover. [Bruno Rocha]
- Cover. [Bruno Rocha]
- Skip 3.7-dev. [Bruno Rocha]
- More trabis build stages. [Bruno Rocha]
- Add missing .env. [Bruno Rocha]
- Fix 60 CLI validator command. [Bruno Rocha]
- Fix 59 cli commands working for Flask and Django apps. [Bruno Rocha]
- Fixes to support Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 Fix 62. [Bruno Rocha]
- Strict use of _FOR_DYNACONF envvars. [Bruno Rocha]
- Aafigure. [Bruno Rocha]
- Pinned docutils. [Bruno Rocha]
- Rtfd fix. [Bruno Rocha]
- Add rtfd yml. [Bruno Rocha]
- Added init file to docs. [Bruno Rocha]
- Add import path. [Bruno Rocha]
- Docs. [Bruno Rocha]
- Finished README with all the new implementations. [Bruno Rocha]


- Merge pull request 56 from
rochacbruno/all_the_namespace_changed_to_env. [Bruno Rocha]

Major Breaking Refactor related to 54
- Travis fix 2. [Bruno Rocha]
- Travis global fix. [Bruno Rocha]
- Travis fix for new style toml envvars. [Bruno Rocha]
- Deprecated `type` casting in favor of TOML syntax, rewriting readme.
[Bruno Rocha]
- Add `settings.flag` [Bruno Rocha]
- Using `dynaconf write` in test_redis|vault. [Bruno Rocha]
- Added `dynaconf --docs` [Bruno Rocha]
- Added `dynaconf --version` [Bruno Rocha]
- Removed transformators. [Bruno Rocha]
- 100% coverage for validators. [Bruno Rocha]
- Increase cli test coverage. [Bruno Rocha]
- Dynaconf variables in blue and user variables in green. [Bruno Rocha]
- Added `dynaconf list` and `dynaconf write` subcommands. [Bruno Rocha]
- More cli commands list and write. [Bruno Rocha]
- Added more tests for cli and py loader. [Bruno Rocha]
- Replaced coveralls with codecov 57. [Bruno Rocha]
- Modularized the loaders, added `dynaconf init` command. [Bruno Rocha]
- As environment variable the only prefix allowed is the GLOBAL_ENV..
default to DYNACONF_ [Bruno Rocha]
- Added more examples/tests and test_cli. [Bruno Rocha]
- Removed cleaners. [Bruno Rocha]
- Major Breaking Refactor related to 54. [Bruno Rocha]

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