
Latest version: v1.0.40

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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BUGFIX: DAV storage now properly calculates free space when quota is manually
set and RFC4331 is used to get stats.
ADDED: Exception handler and logging when file list report is not supported
by plugin type using "AttributeError" exception.


ADDED: python-dateutil requirement.
ADDED: now_in_utc()
ADDED: mask_timestamp_by_delta()
ADDED: '-p', '--delta', '-o' switches to reports sub-command.
ADDED: S3's list-objects function to output a file list instead of storage
stats when the 'reports' sub-command is called.
CHANGE: All time module imports have been changed to datetime module.
CHANGE: enabled 'reports' sub-command.


CHANGE: Import full path to exceptions modules. Removed 'DSS' from class names.


ADDED: Adds support to specify more than one endpoint to check instead of just
one or all, using the -e flag.


ADDED: __init__.py files to create pypi package.


CHANGE: Python is now chosen via environmental variable instead of path.
ADDED: Try-except to configloader.parse_conf_files() to deal with bad unicode.
This will skip the file if there are issues decoding and log a warning.

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