
Latest version: v1.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 707375 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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🚀 New features and improvements
* fix: globalSecondaryIndex PAY_PER_REQUEST by raizen-renatofilizzola in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/266

🔧 Maintenance
* chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.12.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/256
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.6.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/255
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v24.2.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/257
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24.2.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/258
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v24.3.0 [security] by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/261
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.34.74 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/262
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24.3.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/264
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.7.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/263
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.34.75 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/265

New Contributors
* raizen-renatofilizzola made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/266

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.9.1...v1.10.0


🔧 Maintenance
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.3.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/214
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.26.165 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/215
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.3.3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/216
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.7.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/217
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v23.7.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/219
* chore(deps): update dependency flake8 to v6.1.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/218
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook pycqa/flake8 to v6.1.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/220
* ci: drop eol python 3.7 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/223
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.9.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/221
* docs: update links to registries by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/224
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.28.57 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/222
* ci: update black pre-commit by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/225
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.5.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/227
* ci: update renovate config by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/236
* chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/230
* chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/231
* chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/232
* chore(deps): update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/235
* chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/234
* chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action action to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/233
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.10.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/226
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v23.10.1 - autoclosed by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/229
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.28.75 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/237
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.11.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/239
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v23.11.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/240
* chore(deps): update github/codeql-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/247
* chore(deps): update actions/stale action to v9 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/246
* chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/245
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.6.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/243
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.12.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/241
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v23.12.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/244
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.34.12 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/242
* chore(deps): update actions/dependency-review-action action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/248
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v24 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/249
* chore(deps): update dependency flake8 to v7 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/250
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24 - autoclosed by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/251
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook pycqa/flake8 to v7 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/252
* chore: add/upgrade to python 3.12 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/253

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.9.0...v1.9.1


🚀 New features and improvements
* Support dump and load bytes and add back up limit by fatanugraha in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/207
* fix: fix limit change by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/211

🔧 Maintenance
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.26.104 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/201
* ci: fix renovate schedule config by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/202
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.2.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/204
* chore(deps): update actions/stale action to v8 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/206
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23.3.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/203
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v23.3.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/205
* chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.11.3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/209
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.26.132 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/208
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.3.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/210
* chore: update usage in readme by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/212

New Contributors
* fatanugraha made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/207

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.8.0...v1.9.0


🐛 Bug fixes
* Pass only required attributes of LSI's while creating table by DilLip-Chowdary-Codes in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/198

🔧 Maintenance
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v2.21.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/185
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.26.41 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/186
* chore(deps): update actions/stale action to v7 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/184
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/187
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.0.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/188
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.0.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/189
* chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/190
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.0.3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/193
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v3.0.4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/194
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v23 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/191
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v23 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/192
* chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.11.2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/195
* ci: update renovate schedule to monthly by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/196

New Contributors
* DilLip-Chowdary-Codes made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/198

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.7.0...v1.8.0


🚀 New features and improvements
* Resolve 156 Incompatible with Localstack by mnuzzo-moxe in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/180

🔧 Maintenance
* chore: use python 3.11 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/175
* chore(deps): update actions/dependency-review-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/176
* chore(deps): update dependency flake8 to v6 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/177
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook pycqa/flake8 to v6 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/178
* chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.11.1 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/179
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v22.12.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/181
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v22.12.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/182

New Contributors
* mnuzzo-moxe made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/180

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.6.1...v1.7.0


🔧 Maintenance
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v2.19.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/143
* chore(deps): update docker/login-action action to v2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/147
* chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/142
* chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v3 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/146
* chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/144
* chore(deps): update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v2 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/145
* chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/148
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v22.6.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/149
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v22.6.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/150
* chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v2.20.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/153
* chore: drop support for EOL python 3.6 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/159
* ci: add stale github action by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/160
* fix: use docker compose without hyphen by suica1719 in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/161
* ci: add dependency review github action by suica1719 in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/162
* add Python 3.11 support by gruebel in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/163
* ci: add sonar.python.version to fix sonarcloud warning by suica1719 in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/164
* chore: upgrade dockerfile to latest python 3.10 by suica1719 in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/165
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v22.8.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/157
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v22.8.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/158
* chore: upgrade flake8 to v5 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/166
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.24.84 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/167
* chore(deps): update dependency black to v22.10.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/168
* chore(deps): update pre-commit hook ambv/black to v22.10.0 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/169
* chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.10.8 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/170
* fix: fix some code smells found by sonarcloud by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/171
* fix: fix sonarcloud python:S117 by bchew in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/172
* chore(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.24.90 by renovate in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/173

New Contributors
* suica1719 made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/161
* gruebel made their first contribution in https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/pull/163

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bchew/dynamodump/compare/v1.6.0...v1.6.1

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