What's Changed
* Update innerloop evaluations for BERT Base SST-2 by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/13
* Add example data for plotting in notebooks by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/16
* Add tests scripts to run short tests on OFA MBv3 and R50 supernets by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/18
* Enable `dynast` CLI command by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/14
* Replace OFA package dependency with code stored locally by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/15
* Change lint commands to be executed with python by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/24
* Add run command as a variable to test scripts by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/22
* Fix import in visualize package by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/20
* Unpin versions of dependencies used in testing by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/19
* Update Image Classification Top1 Accuracy Method by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/25
* Fix order of columns for TransformerLT and BERT-SST2 in CSV file by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/34
* Add verbosity option to OFA by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/32
* Allow for not setting dataset path by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/35
* Remove old group from CODEOWNERS by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/33
* Fix formatting by macsz in https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/pull/36
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/IntelLabs/DyNAS-T/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0