
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 702662 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Argument `exclude_overload` of `mergeclasses` is renamed to `invoke_all` for clarity purposes.
- Option `invoke_all` fully supports decorators implemented with `decoratewith`. Thus, decorator methods with same name from different merged classes may be executed in pipeline.
- Performances using `invoke_all` are improved thanks to a filter excluding the methods with less than 2 instances.


A list of methods to be excluded from being overloaded can be passed to `mergeclasses` via the argument `exclude_overload`.
The methods are handled similarly to `__init__`, i.e., all the method instances from each merging class are executed, rather than being overloaded by the method instance from the rightmost class.
Each method instance is passed just the arguments required in its signature, and no exception is raised for any exceeding argument passed.


Class method `destroy` of `SingletonMeta` results in destroying all the instances of all the Singleton classes created.
In order to selectively destroy specific Singleton classes, two alternative methods are provided:
1. by invoking the method `destroy_singleton` from the instance of the Singleton class to destroy, or
2. by invoking the method `SingletonMeta.destroy` and passing the names of the Singleton classes to destroy as arguments.


- Package successfully tested with python v. 3.11.
- Added lists of public functions and classes to be imported with "*".

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