++++++++++++++++++++++++ - added: initial support for dnsimple.com through `dnsimple-dyndns <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnsimple-dyndns>`_ - added: plugin based desktop notification (growl and OS X notification center) - changed: for python3.3+, use stdlib 'ipaddress' instead of 'IPy' - improved: dyndns2 update is now allowed to timeout - improved: freedns.afraid.org robustness - improved: webcheck now has an http timeout - improved: naming conventions in code - added: initial documentation using sphinx
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ - added: experimental support for http://freedns.afraid.org - added: detecting ipv6 addresses using 'webcheck6' or 'webcheck46' - fixed: long outstanding state bugs in detector base class - improved: input validation in Iface detection - improved: support pytest conventions
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - added: command line option --debug to explicitly increase loglevel - fixed potential race issues in detector base class - fixed: several typos, test structure, naming conventions, default loglevel - changed: dynamic importing of detector code
+++++++++++++++++++++ - added: support for https://nsupdate.info - fixed: automatic installation of 'requests' with setuptools dependencies - added: more URL sources for 'webcheck' IP detection - improved: switched optparse to argparse for future-proofing - fixed: logging initialization warnings - improved: ship tests with source tarball - improved: use reStructuredText rather than markdown
+++++++++++++++++++ - moved project to https://github.com/infothrill/python-dyndnsc - added continuous integration tests using http://travis-ci.org - added unittests - dyndnsc is now a package rather than a single file module - added more generic observer/subject pattern that can be used for desktop notifications - removed growl notification - switched all http related code to the "requests" library - added http://www.noip.com - removed dyndns.majimoto.net - dropped support for python <= 2.5 and added support for python 3.2+
+++++++++++++++++++++ - moved code to git - minimal PEP8 changes and code restructuring - provide a makefile to get dependencies using buildout