- Get rid of npdim option that at some point may have allowed the prior transformation to return higher dimensional vector than the inputs. Note that due to this change, restoring the checkpoint from previous version of the dynesty won't be possible) (issues 456, 457) (original issue reported by MichaelDAlbrow, fixed by segasai )
- Fix the way the additional arguments are treated when working with dynesty's pool. Previously those only could have been passed through dynesty.pool.Pool() constructor. Now they can still be provided directly to the sampler (not recommended) ( 464 , reported by eteq, fixed by segasai )
- change the .ptp() method to np.ptp() function as it is deprecated in numpy 2.0 ( 478 , reported and patched by joezuntz)
- Fix an error if you use run_nested() several times (i.e. with maxiter option) while using blob=True. ( 475 , reported by carlosRmelo,)