* Handle `pycoverage` backward incompatibility of the `CoverageData.update()` method.
* Add e3.pytest plugin to reuse fixtures in other projects * Add support for VEX documents * Update e3-pypi-closure to generate more precise version * Enable Anod class to use methods instead of properties * Ensure e3 is handled as a PEP 420 namespace * Add secure_control_plane to anod
* Security enhancements: * e3.net.smtp.sendmail uses to ``SMTP_SSL`` by default
* New Anod API Version 1.6: * For performance issues declare dynamically "spec" function in the Anod spec context rather than using e3.anod.loader.spec function that relies on inspect module
* Add rlimit binary for aarch64-darwin
* Add support for M1/M2 MacOS (aarch64-darwin platform) * e3.diff.patch raise an exception if there is no file to patch * Fix issue where anod download deps are not tracked * Add a SPDX document generator * Add an interface to NVD API