- `IrrepsArray.astype` to cast the underlying array
- `e3nn.flax.MultiLayerPerceptron` and `e3nn.haiku.MultiLayerPerceptron`
- `e3nn.IrrepsArray.from_list(..., dtype)`
- Add sparse tensor product as an option in `e3nn.tensor_product` and related functions. It sparsify the clebsch gordan coefficients. It has more inpact when `fused=True`. It is disabled by default because no improvement was observed in the benchmarks.
- Add `log_coordinates` along the other parameterizations of SO(3). `e3nn.log_coordinates_to_matrix`, `e3nn.rand_log_coordinates`, etc.
- set dtype for all `jnp.zeros(..., dtype)` calls in the codebase
- set dtype for all `jnp.ones(..., dtype)` calls in the codebase
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.full_tensor_product` in favor of `e3nn.tensor_product`
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.FunctionalTensorSquare` in favor of `e3nn.tensor_square`
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.TensorSquare` in favor of `e3nn.tensor_square`
- **[BREAKING]** `` in favor of `e3nn.concatenate`
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.IrrepsArray.randn` in favor of `e3nn.normal`
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.Irreps.randn` in favor of `e3nn.normal`
- **[BREAKING]** `e3nn.Irreps.transform_by_*` in favor of `e3nn.IrrepsArray.transform_by_*`
- moves `BatchNorm` and `Dropout` to `e3nn.haiku` submodule, will remove them from the main module in the future.
- move `e3nn.haiku.FullyConnectedTensorProduct` in `haiku` submodule. Undeprecate it because it's faster than `e3nn.tensor_product` followed by `e3nn.Linear`. This is because `opteinsum` optimizes the contraction of the two operations.