- Add argument `basis` into `math.soft_one_hot_linspace` that can take values `gaussian`, `cosine` and `fourier`
- `io.SphericalTensor.sum_of_diracs`
- Optional arguments `function(..., device=None, dtype=None)` for many functions
- `e3nn.nn.models.gate_points_2102` using node attributes along the length embedding to feed the radial network
- `Irreps.slices()`
- Module `Extract` (and `ExtractIr`) to extract subsets of irreps tensors
- Recursive TorchScript compiler `e3nn.util.jit`
- TorchScript support for `TensorProduct` and subclasses, `NormActivation`, `Gate`, `FullyConnectedNet`, and `gate_points_2101.Network`
- rename `io.SphericalTensor.from_geometry_adjusted` into `io.SphericalTensor.with_peaks_at`
- in `ReducedTensorProducts`, `ElementwiseTensorProduct` and `FullTensorProduct`: rename `irreps_out` argument into `set_ir_out` to not confuse it with `o3.Irreps`
- `io.SphericalTensor.from_geometry_global_rescale`
- `e3nn.math.reduce.reduce_tensor` in favor of `e3nn.o3.ReducedTensorProducts`
- swish, use `torch.nn.functional.silu` instead
- `"cartesian_vectors"` for equivariance testing — since the 0.2.2 Euler angle convention change, L=1 irreps are equivalent
- `io.SphericalTensor.from_samples_on_s2` manage batch dimension
- Modules that generate code now clean up their temporary files
- `NormActivation` now works on GPU