- `intersects` argument in search/datacube now supports wkt/geojson/geopandas.
- `common_band_names` default set to True in datacube creation. It uses the new Assets Mapper in order to define to best suitable bands according to user needs.
- `clear_cover` argument in the datacube method when using the `earthdatastore.Auth` method.
- `datasets.load_pivot()` to load a GeoDataFrame of a pivot in Nebraska (alternates between corn or soy between years).
- `preload_mask` in authenticated datacube method set to `True`by default to load, if enough virtual memory.
- Several tests to check and validate code.
- Better performances for cloud mask statistics by checking data type.
- masks statistics are not anymore suffixed with the cloudmask type : `clear_percent` and `clear_pixels`. Warns with a DeprecationWarning.
- all queries in `post_query` must return True to keep the item. If a key doesn't exist, considers the result as False (instead of failling).
- default chunks are now `x=512` and `y=512` for odc-stac.
- search `post_query` do not block if some properties are not available on all items.
- some scale/offsets were not supported due to missing scale/offsets from previous assets.
- issues when computing datacube using Landsat cloudmask (`qa_pixel`).
- `intersects` now supports several geometries and don't force selection on the first index.