**Breaking changes**
- `earthkit.maps.Superplot` has been renamed `earthkit.maps.Chart`
- Style definitions have been rationalised to be fully defined in a single YAML file, removing the need for multiple YAMLs and a Python module per style
- Some alias methods have been removed to avoid confusion, e.g. `Chart.shaded_contour` has been removed, as it is an alias to the `Chart.contourf` method
- The schema key `force_style_units` has been renamed to `use_preferred_styles`
**General improvements**
- It's now possible to visualise data on spectral grids through integration with `earthkit-regrid`
- The documentation has been populated with a much more extensive API reference and an examples gallery
- Automatic styles can be fed from a custom user-defined repository of YAML files describing styles
- Cities can now be easily added to maps with `Chart.cities()`
- More Natural Earth layers now have convenience methods for quickly adding to plots, including urban areas, rivers, lakes and more