
Latest version: v0.9.4

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- Add URL to for Landsat vignette dataset (jpalomino, 309)
- A multi-point, polygon and line support to clip function (lwasser,
nkorinek, 236)



- Add multi-panel plotting to plot_bands (lwasser, 316)
- Fix bug in plot_rgb where multipanel plots are blank (lwasser, 313)
- Add example vignette for calculating and classifying NDVI with
EarthPy (jlpalomino, 266)



- Add NoData masking support for ``stack()`` (joemcglinchy, 282)
- Fix multiline messages to use ``"`` vs ``"""`` (lwasser, 270)



- Add sphinx gallery for vignettes and update get started page
(lwasser 279, 203)
- Add two example vignettes for using EarthPy with raster data
- Fix bug in ``bytescale()`` - ensure math to calc range is floating
point vals (lwasser 282)
- Fix tests for ``bytescale()`` to ensure the bug raised in 282 is
fixed / tested; also added comment to plot_rgb docs to ensure users
consider nodata values before plotting (lwasser 282



- Add continuous integration testing on osx via Travis CI (mbjoseph
- Add cbar legend to ``plot_bands()`` and scaling parameters (lwasser
- BUGFIX: ``plot_bands()`` doesn’t plot single string titles properly +
add test (lwasser 258)
- Remove dependency on download library (mbjoseph 249)
- BUGFIX: ``draw_legend()`` fails when classes are provided (lwasser
- Remove ``earthpy.utils.fix_paths()`` as it is not used in the package
(lwasser 259)
- Adding tests for ``hillshade()`` and improved docs (jpalomino 260)
- Closing plots in tests (lwasser 257)
- Added a code of conduct (mbjoseph, 27)
- Added CI testing across python versions and on Windows (mbjoseph,
- Added tests for ``EarthlabData`` class (mbjoseph, 37)



We have made significant changes in preparation for a 1.0 release on
PyPI. If you have used EarthPy previously, please review the changes
below. You may need to update your code accordingly.


- ``normalized_diff()`` function arguments have been flipped. Please
update all of your old code accordingly. Changes include:

- Arguments are now provided as normalized_diff(b1, b2)
- Math will be calculated (b1-b2) / (b1+b2)
- Example: ``ndvi = es.normalized_diff(b1=nir_band, b2=red_band)``

- ``normalized_diff()`` now:

- returns unmasked array by default
- returns masked array if there are nan values present
- converts infinity values that result from division by zero to nan

- ``stack()`` replaces ``stack_raster_tifs()``, which is now
deprecated. The new ``stack()`` function works similarly to
``stack_raster_tifs``. Inputs parameters are now a list of filepaths
and an optional filepath parameter that when populated saves the
stacked raster array as a geotiff file. The default return is a numpy
- The parameter order for ``bytescale`` has changed:

- PREVIOUS ORDER: data, cmin=None, cmax=None, high=255, low=0
- NEW ORDER: data, high=255, low=0, cmin=None, cmax=None

- All plot functions moved to a new ``earthpy.plot`` module. To import
plot functions first import the plot module:
``import earthpy.plot as ep``. Then you can call functions as

- ``ep.plot_rgb()``
- ``ep.draw_legend()``
- ``ep.hist()``
- ``ep.colorbar()``
- ``ep.plot_bands()``


- ``draw_legend()`` works now on different types of categorical raster plots.
- ``colorbar()`` has also been fixed to work given updates to ``Matplotlib``
- A new mask function has been released as ``mask_pixels()``.
- We now have tests through ``pytest`` that run on Travis CI.
- API documentation is now generated automatically from docstrings with ``autodoc``.
- Example code in documentation is tested using ``doctest``


- ``stack_raster_tifs()`` has been deprecated and replaced with ``stack()``.

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