
Latest version: v4.9.2

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Support for installing 25 new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

- buildingspy
- CDBtools
- f90wrap
- Miller
- paladin
- python-irodsclient
- ruffus
- x13as

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 2,798 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/en/latest/version-specific/Supported_software.html).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

- ASE 3.22.1
- biogeme 3.2.10
- Delly 1.1.5
- ESMF 8.3.0
- FDS 6.7.9
- Go 1.18.3
- GPAW 22.8.0
- IPython 8.5.0
- Julia 1.8.2
- LIBSVM 3.30
- netcdf4-python 1.6.1
- Nipype 1.8.5,
- OpenCV 4.6.0
- OpenMM 7.7.0
- Perl 5.36.0
- PyTorch 1.12.0
- PyTorch-Lightning 1.7.7
- RDFlib 6.2.0
- SAMtools 1.16.1
- scikit-learn 1.1.2
- Score-P 7.1
- SuiteSparse 5.13.0
- SUNDIALS 6.3.0
- sympy 1.11.1
- torchvision 0.13.1
- TRIQS 3.1.1
- UCX 1.13.1
- VEP 107
- Wayland 1.21.0
- wxWidgets 3.2.1

These changes result from various contributions, made by 24 different contributors:

* 17 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 20 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 159 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.6.2, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/en/latest/Installation.html#updating-an-existing-easybuild-installation).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 16465` use easyconfig from [PR 16465](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/16465)


EasyBuild v4.9.1 is primarily a bugfix & update release, but it also includes various enhancements.

Executive summary

- Support for `--from-commit` and `--include-easyblocks-from-commit`;

- 1 new sofware-specific easyblocks for DualSPHysics;

- Support for installing 101 (!) new software applications, tools, and libraries;

- Easyconfigs for various recent software versions, including CuPy 13.0.0, Gurobi 11.0.0, OCaml 4.14.0, OpenFOAM v2312, ParaView-5.12.0, R 4.3.3, R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.18, WIEN2k 23.2, and many more;

- Fixes/changes to easyblocks/easyconfigs that require reinstallation, including for GCC, OpenMPI, and Python (more info below);

Highlights for this release are listed below. More details are available in the [release notes](https://docs.easybuild.io/release-notes/#release_notes_eb491) which includes links to the respective pull requests for more detailed information.

Highlighted enhancements & updates

(enhancements or updates that (may) warrant updating existing installations are marked with `(***)`)

- new software-specific easyblock for DualSPHysics;

- enhancement to generic easyblocks: Conda, GoPackage, PerlModule, PythonPackage;

- updated & enhancements to custom easyblocks for Clang-AOMP, GCC, Gurobi, LAMMPS, MCR, OCaml, OpenSSL wrapper, PyTorch, VEP, WIEN2k;

- `(***)` significant improvements to QuantumESPRESSO easyblock, incl. running the test suite;

- enhancements to GCC easyblock and additional patch for recent GCC versions to support installation on RISC-V systems;

- `(***)` add extensions to R-bundle-CRAN v2023.12 (use [`--rebuild --skip`](https://docs.easybuild.io/partial-installations/#partial_installation_skip));

- `(***)` add support for Vulkan software rendering in Mesa v23.1.9 by adding Wayland dependency;

- `(***)` add MODIStsp extension (+ required dependencies) to R 4.2.2 (use [`--rebuild --skip`](https://docs.easybuild.io/partial-installations/#partial_installation_skip));

Prominent bug fixes & changes

(bug fixes or changes that (may) warrant re-installing easyconfigs are marked with `(***)`)

- bug fixes for generic easyblocks: Cargo, CMakeMake,

- bug fixes in custom easyblocks for BerkeleyGW, Clang, LAMMPS, LibInt, NVHPC, OpenFOAM, OpenMPI, PETSc, Python, PyTorch, QuantumESPRESSO, R, SLEPc, torchvision;

- `(***)` fix link order in PETSc easyblock for SCOTCH >= 7.x;

- `(***)` do not rename GCC's include-fixed directory by default + add script to regenerate it;
**Re-installing GCC 13.2.0 is required to ensure compatibility with CUDA 12.4.0**, [see easyblocks PR 3254 for more info](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks/pull/3254).

- `(***)` add patch for adding a write memory barrier to all OpenMPI 4.1.x easyconfigs, to bug in smcuda component;
**We recommend re-installing OpenMPI 4.1.x to pick up this fix.**

- `(***)` add patch to fix tree-optimization bug in GCC 12.3.0 + 13.1.0 + 13.2.0 for ARM architectures with SVE support;

- `(***)` add patch for GCCcore 13.2.0 to fix unguarded use of is_convertible builtin;

- add patch to fix multiarch support for RISC-V to all GCCcore 12.x and 13.x easyconfigs;

- `(***)` move setuptools_scm extension from hatchling to Python easyconfig;
**We strongly recommend to install the missing extensions for Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0 and Python/3.11.5-GCCcore-13.2.0 using [`eb --rebuid --skip`](https://docs.easybuild.io/partial-installations/#partial_installation_skip)** (or the reinstall these modules).

- add patches for PyTorch v2.1.2 to fix test failures;

- add patch to fix PyTorch 1.12.x and 1.13.x for Linux 6+;

- (***) add missing zlib + OpenSSL deps to Ruby easyconfigs + promote binutils to runtime dependency;

Supported software

Support for installing 101 (!) new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

- Circlator
- Clarabel.rs
- DeepLoc
- devbio-napari
- ExtremeLy
- GenomeComb
- GRASP-suite
- IonQuant
- libspectre
- MLflow
- MSFragger
- noise
- phyluce
- python-casacore
- QuPath
- SemiBin
- Sentence-Transformers
- SQLAlchemy
- Vamb
- zUMIs

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 3,470 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

- anvio 8
- arrow-R
- BerkeleyGW 3.1.0 + 4.0
- Cartopy 0.22.0
- Clang-Python-bindings 16.0.6
- CUDA 12.3.2 + 12.4.0
- CuPy 13.0.0
- CVXPY 1.4.2
- DeepLabCut 2.3.6
- EggLib 3.3.0
- ESMF 8.4.2
- FDS 6.8.0
- Flask 3.0.0
- FLINT 3.1.1
- GLFW 3.4
- GROMACS 2024.1
- Gurobi 11.0.0
- HeFFTe 2.4.0
- LAMMPS 2Aug2023_update2
- likwid 5.3.0
- matplotlib 3.8.2
- medaka 1.11.3
- MOABB 1.0.0
- MONAI 1.3.0
- NCCL 2.20.5
- NGSpeciesID 0.3.0
- NLTK 3.8.1
- NVHPC 24.1
- OCaml 4.14.0
- ONNX 1.15.0
- OpenFOAM v2306 + v2312
- OpenSSL/3 (wrapper)
- PAPI 7.1.0
- ParaView 5.12.0
- PETSc 3.20.3
- plotly.py 5.18.0
- PyQt5 5.15.10
- PyTables 3.9.2
- pytest-rerunfailures 14.0
- python-irodsclient 2.0.0,
- PyTorch-Lightning 2.2.1
- Qt5 5.15.13
- Qt6 6.6.3
- QuantumESPRESSO 7.3
- R 4.3.3
- R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.18
- rMATS-turbo 4.2.0
- Ruby 3.3.0
- Rust 1.76.0
- scikit-learn 1.4.0
- Score-P 8.4,
- SLEPc 3.20.1
- timm 0.9.7
- VEP 111
- WIEN2k 23.2
- wrf-python
- YODA 1.9.9

These changes result from various contributions, made by 34 different contributors:

* 28 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 43 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 575 (!) merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.9.1, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/installation/#updating).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 20299` use easyconfig from [PR 20299](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/20299)


EasyBuild v4.9.0 is primarily a feature release, mainly because it includes the 2023b version of the common toolchains (foss + intel), but it also includes various bug fixes, and much more.

The executive summary for this release:

- improved support for using recent version of Environment Modules as modules tool;

- new generic CargoPythonBundle easyblock;

- 3 new custom easyblocks: for flook, HPCC, and PALM;

- easyconfigs for `foss/2023b` and `intel/2023b`;

- Easyconfigs for various recent software versions, including GROMACS 2023.3, NWChem 7.2.2, Python-bundle-PyPI 2023.10, PyTorch 2.1.2, R 4.3.2, SciPy-bundle 2023.11, Spark 3.5.0, VTK 9.3.0, ...;

- Support for installing 77 new software applications and libraries;

Highlights for this release are listed below. More details are available in the [release notes](https://docs.easybuild.io/release-notes/#release_notes_eb490) which includes links to the respective pull requests for more detailed information.

Highlighted enhancements & updates

(enhancements or updates that (may) warrant updating existing installations are marked with `(***)`)

- add generic `CargoPythonBundle` easyblock;

- 3 new software-specific easyblocks for flook, HPCC, PALM;

- update easyblocks for intel-compilers, impi, imkl to support latest versions;

- update numpy easyblock for v1.26+;

- updates and enhancements to custom easyblocks for Ferret, SuiteSparse;

- add easyconfigs for `foss/2023b` and `intel/2023b` (see also [common toolchains overview](https://docs.easybuild.io/common-toolchains/#common_toolchains_overview));

Prominent bug fixes & changes

(bug fixes or changes that (may) warrant re-installing easyconfigs are marked with `(***)`)

- fix support for Environment Modules as modules tool to pass unit tests with v4.2+;

- adapt module function check for Environment Modules v4+;

- disable LLVM build downloads from CI in Rust;

- update SuiteSparse easyblock to only install SuiteSparse libraries with make install;

- fix specifying path to SuiteSparse header files and libraries in numpy, Trilinos, PETSc easyblocks;

- add support for allowing version mismatch + consider versionsuffix when creating `.modulerc` in `ModuleRC` easyblock;

- fix `det_pylibdir` provided by `PythonPackage` easyblock for Python 3.12+;

- bug fixes for custom easyblocks for Clang, CUDA, numpy, NWChem, PETSc, PyTorch, Rust, SuiteSparse, TensorFlow, Trilinos

- add patch to fix regression in GCC 12.x on AVX512 systems `(***)`;

- add patch for GCC 12.x to fix miscompiling C++ code causing double-free in case of exceptions `(***)`;

- add patch to fix detection of newer Intel CPUs in OpenBLAS 0.3.20 through 0.3.23;

- fix OpenBLAS 0.3.20+ on newer Intel CPUs;

- add patch to fix [cz]asums in OpenBLAS 0.3.24 `(***)`;

- add patch to work around potential crash in PyTorch 1.13.1 caused by GCC 12 compiler bug `(***)`;

- change toolchain in json-fortran easyconfigs to GCC, since it includes Fortran modules `(***)`;

- use GCC toolchain in kim-api, since it includes Fortran modules `(***)`;

- allow ITK legacy code and Python wrappers in ITK v5.2.1 `(***)`;

Supported software

Support for installing 77 new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

* BRiAl
* CellBender
* EUKulele
* GFF3-toolkit
* iperf
* LoopTools
* MitoHiFi
* R-bundle-CRAN
* scikit-lego
* SEACells
* solo
* Triton
* waLBerla

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 3,369 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

* Arrow 14.0.1
* Boost 1.83.0
* CellRanger 7.2.0
* CUDA 12.3.0
* f90wrap 0.2.11
* FPM 1.15.1
* GPyTorch 1.10
* GROMACS 2023.3
* ITK 5.3.0,
* LinBox 1.7.0
* magma 2.7.2,
* Molden 7.3
* NWChem 7.2.2
* phonopy 2.20.0
* PostgreSQL 16.1,
* Python-bundle-PyPI 2023.10
* PyTorch 2.1.2
* R 4.3.2
* SciPy-bundle 2023.11
* Seurat 4.4.0
* Spark 3.5.0
* SuiteSparse 7.1.0
* UCX-CUDA 1.15.0
* VTK 9.3.0
* XGBoost 2.0.2

These changes result from various contributions, made by 34 different contributors:

* 21 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 26 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 276 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.9.0, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/installation/#updating).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 19464` use easyconfig from [PR 19464](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/19464)


EasyBuild v4.8.2 is primarily a bugfix and update release, but it also includes various enhancements.

The executive summary for this release:

- Various small enhancements and bug fixes in EasyBuild framework, easyblocks, and easyconfigs;

- Easyconfigs for various recent software versions, including Cantera 3.0.0, mold 2.3.1, Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.38.0, PyTorch 2.0.1, ...;

- Support for installing 48 new software applications and libraries, incl. PyTensor, Qt6, SNAP-ESA;

Highlights for this release are listed below.
More details are available in the [release notes](https://docs.easybuild.io/release-notes/#release_notes_eb482) which includes links to the respective pull requests for more detailed information.

Highlighted enhancements & updates

(enhancements or updates that (may) warrant updating existing installations are marked with `(***)`)

- add `dependency_names` method to `EasyConfig` class to get set of names of (direct) dependencies;

- use more test programs in sanity check step of OpenMPI easyblock;

- updates and enhancements to various generic easyblocks, including `CMake`, `Conda`, `ConfigureMake`;

- updates and enhancements to custom easyblocks for imkl, numpy, Perl, PyTorch, WRF, wxPython;

- add patches to build Qt5 5.15.10 with Python 3 instead of Python 2.7;

- `(***)` don't disable building of third and fourth derivates in libxc 6.1.0;

- `(***)` also build Python bindings for ITK 5.2.1 with foss/2022a;

- `(***)` add extensions to recent versions of R and R-bundle-Bioconductor, use "[`eb --skip --rebuild`](https://docs.easybuild.io/partial-installations/#partial_installation_skip)" to install the missing extensions;

Prominent bug fixes & changes

(bug fixes or changes that (may) warrant re-installing easyconfigs are marked with `(***)`)

- reset `tempfile.tempdir` to `None` to avoid that tmpdir path gets progressively deeper with each easystack item;

- only use `-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON` for CMake < 3.5.0;

- fix `--sanity-check-only` and `--module-only` for UCX plugins;

- enhance TensorFlow easyblock to avoid use of `-mcpu=native` for XNNPACK component when building on aarch64;

- fix the blas/lapack name passed to meson when building recent scipy versions (>= 1.9.0) on top of Intel MKL;

- `(***)` add patch to improve CUDA 11 compatibility of GCCcore/12.2.0 and GCCcore/12.3.0;

- `(***)` add missing required extensions + fix wrong version of extensions in recent Perl easyconfigs;

- rename ACT to Artemis;

- rename `CVS` to `ConcurrentVersionsSystem`, to avoid problems with recent setuptools versions;

- add patch for recent OpenBLAS versions (0.3.23, 0.3.24) to fix flaky and hanging tests;

- `(***)` add patch to fix Open MPI 4.1.5 with PMIx >= 4.2.3;

- `(***)` fix invalid pointer access in UCX 1.11-1.14;

- `(***)` statically link Boost 1.75 in Cufflinks v20190706 installed with `GCC/11.2.0`, so Boost can be changed to build dependency;

- add patch to fix issue with automatic detection of NeoverseV1 CPU architecture in OpenBLAS v0.3.20;

- `(***)` add missing dependencies for MONAI to support extras required by MONAI-Label;

- `(***)` disable threadedmpi in recent SCOTCH easyconfigs using gompi toolchain;

Supported software

Support for installing 48 new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

* bases2fastq
* biobakery-workflows
* EveryBeam
* imutils
* Jmol
* ProBiS
* PyPy
* PyTensor
* Qt6
* ResistanceGA
* scCODA
* starparser
* XBeach

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 3,292 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

* Amber 22.4
* BLAST+ 2.14.1
* Cantera 3.0.0
* CapnProto 1.0.1
* CGAL 5.6
* CUDA-Samples 12.1.1
* CuPy 12.1.0
* FastANI 1.34
* GDAL 3.7.1
* GMP 6.3.0
* GPAW 23.9.1
* HMMER 3.4
* IsoSeq 4.0.0
* libpng 1.6.40
* libxc 6.2.2
* MEGAN 6.25.3
* Mesa 23.1.9
* mold 2.3.1
* OpenBLAS 0.3.24
* OpenCV 4.8.1
* OpenMPI 4.1.6
* OrthoFinder 2.5.5
* ParaView 5.11.2
* Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.38.0
* pyEGA3 5.0.2
* Python 3.11.5
* PyTorch 2.0.1
* PyTorch-bundle 1.13.1
* RagTag 2.1.0
* RAxML-NG 1.2.0,
* RDFlib 7.0.0
* ReFrame 4.3.3
* Rust 1.73.0
* scikit-learn 1.3.1
* TensorRT 8.6.1
* UCX 1.15.0
* X11 20231019
* xtb 6.6.0

These changes result from various contributions, made by 23 different contributors:

* 15 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 20 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 267 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.8.2, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/installation/#updating).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 19105` use easyconfig from [PR 19105](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/19105)


EasyBuild v4.8.1 is primarily a bugfix and update release, but it also includes various enhancements.

The executive summary for this release:

- Support for various additional hooks that can be used to customize EasyBuild, including pre_run_shell_cmd_hook which allows tweaking shell commands right before they are run by EasyBuild;

- 2 new custom easyblocks, for sympy and tensorflow-compression;

- Easyconfigs for various recent software versions, including Clang 16.0.6, CP2K 2023.1, FFmpeg 6.0, GCC 13.2.0, OpenFOAM 11, Pillow 10.0.0, TensorFlow 2.13.0, ...;

- Support for installing 83 new software applications and libraries;

Highlights for this release are listed below.
More details are available in the [release notes](https://docs.easybuild.io/release-notes/#release_notes_eb481) which includes links to the respective pull requests for more detailed information.

Highlighted enhancements & updates

(enhancements or updates that (may) warrant updating existing installations are marked with `(***)`)

- support for additional hooks: `pre_build_and_install_loop_hook` + `post_build_and_install_loop_hook`, `cancel_hook`, `fail_hook`, `pre_postiter_hook` + `post_postiter_hook`, and `pre_run_shell_cmd_hook` + `post_run_shell_cmd_hook`; see https://docs.easybuild.io/hooks for more information;

- add `--silence-hook-trigger` configuration option to suppress printing of a debug message every time a hook is triggered;

- add support for using fine grained Github tokens;

- add support for submodule filtering and specifying extra Git configuration in `git_config`;

- new custom easyblocks for `sympy` and `tensorflow-compression`;

- add options to `MesonNinja` generic easyblock to customize `build_cmd`, `install_cmd`, `build_dir`;

- add support to `PerlModule` generic easyblock to customize prefix option used in installation command;

- updates and enhancements to custom easyblocks for Clang, CP2K, CUDA, FreeSurfer, LLVM, Mesa, MXNet, OpenCV, OpenFOAM, PETSc, PyTorch, scipy, Score-P, TensorFlow;

- `(***)` add extensions to recent versions of R (`tabletools`, `flextables`) and R-bundle-Bioconductor (`UCell`, `decoupleR`, `RnBeads`), use "[`eb --skip --rebuild`](https://docs.easybuild.io/partial-installations/#partial_installation_skip)" to install the missing extensions;

Prominent bug fixes & changes

(bug fixes or changes that (may) warrant reinstalling easyconfigs are marked with `(***)`)

- improve error reporting w.r.t. missing checksums;

- `(***)` only add extensions in module file if there are extensions;

- enhance `PythonPackage` easyblock to deal with `posix_local` installation scheme used by Python in recent Debian/Ubuntu versions;

- `(***)` improve depot management in `JuliaPackage` easyblock;

- `(***)` set `$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH` in Julia easyconfigs with default value;

- bug fixes for various custom easyblocks, incl. imkl-FFTW, Java, `(***)` MATLAB, Mesa, OpenMPI, STAR-CCM+, TensorFlow;

- `(***)` fix regression in GCC 12.1 + 12.2 with wrong warnings;

- fix installation of Python bindings for recent Arrow easyconfigs;

- `(***)` various additional patches for recent PyTorch versions to fix bugs and/or failing tests;

- `(***)` additional bug fixes in easyconfigs for Abseil, at-spi2-core, Automake, FreeSurfer, jupyter-server, JupyterHub, LIBSVM, MPFR, RapidJSON, ScaLAPACK, tRNAscan-SE;

- `(***)` update `Java/11` wrapper to `Java/11.0.20`;

- `(***)` use `GCC/12.2.0` toolchain for GSL 2.7, remove easyconfig for GSL 2.7 with `GCCcore/12.2.0`;

- `(***)` add patch for PMIx 4.x to use lchown so links are not followed;

- `(***)` add hpctestlib to the `$PYTHONPATH` in ReFrame 4.2.0 easyconfig;

- add alternative checksum for Extrae v4.0.4;

- `(***)` disable wx support in gnuplot 5.4.6;

- set `$MUJOCO_PY_FORCE_CPU` to avoid that mujoco-py checks for nvidia-smi and aborts installation because `/usr/lib/nvidia` is not in `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`;

Supported software

Support for installing 83 new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

- Ax
- Boost.Python-NumPy
- CatBoost
- ChIPseeker
- cryptography
- GAPPadde
- GenerativeModels
- hatchling
- IsoQuant
- Jupyter-bundle
- JupyterNoteboo
- maturin
- Mikado
- NanoCaller
- Omnipose
- Optax
- pv
- Python-bundle-PyPI
- Sabre
- scib-metrics
- scikit-plot
- setuptools-rust
- tensorflow-compression
- torchvf
- virtualenv

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 3,244 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

- ABINIT 9.10.3
- Arcade-Learning-Envionment 0.8.1
- archspec 0.2.1
- Bazel 6.3.1
- BCFtools 1.18
- BEDTools 2.31.0
- Boost 1.82.0
- CDO 2.2.2
- Clang 16.0.6
- CP2K 2023.1
- CUDA 12.2.2
- ecBuild 3.8.0
- FFmpeg 6.0
- FreeSurfer 7.4.1
- GCC 13.2.0
- GHC 9.2.2
- gnuplot 5.4.8
- GTK4 4.11.3
- h5py 3.9.0
- Horovod 0.28.1
- Hypre 2.29.0
- ImageMagick 7.1.1-15
- magma 2.7.1
- medaka 1.8.1 + 1.9.1
- Mesa 23.1.4
- MXNet 1.9.1
- OpenAI-Gym 0.26.2
- OpenCV 4.8.0
- OpenFOAM 11
- Pillow 10.0.0
- PLUMED 2.9.0
- pocl 4.0
- QIIME2 2023.5.1
- Qt5 5.15.10
- QuantumESPRESSO 7.2
- SAMtools 1.18
- SciPy-bundle 2023.07
- Score-P 8.1
- sympy 1.12
- SUNDIALS 6.6.0
- TensorFlow 2.13.0
- Valgrind 3.21.0
- wxPython 4.2.1
- zarr 2.16.0

These changes result from various contributions, made by 33 different contributors:

* 25 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 40 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 339 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.8.1, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/installation/#updating).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 18761` use easyconfig from [PR 18761](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/18761)


EasyBuild v4.8.0 is primarily a feature release, but it also includes various minor bug fixes, enhancements, and updates.

The executive summary for this release:

- Easyconfigs for the 2023a update of the foss + intel common toolchains;

- 2 new easyblocks: a generic PerlBundle easyblock, and a custom easyblock for Rust;

- Easyconfigs for various recent software versions, including elastix 5.0.0, GROMACS 2023.1, PyTorch 1.13.1, VTK 9.2.6, ...;

- Support for installing 76 new software applications and libraries;

Highlights for this release are listed below. More details are available in the release notes [2] which includes links to the respective pull requests for more detailed information.

Highlighted enhancements & updates

(enhancements or updates that (may) warrant updating existing installations are marked with `(***)`)

- add `PerlBundle` generic easyblock for installing a bundle of Perl modules;

- add custom easyblock for Rust, which makes sure that all shared libraries use RPATH rather than RUNPATH if `--rpath` is used;

- add support for `install_cmds` in `Binary` easyblock;

- update OpenBLAS easyblock since make shared is necessary and sufficient with OpenBLAS 0.3.23 + recent parallel build fixes;

- `(***)` add extra packages to recent R easyconfigs;

- `(***)` add extra packages to recent R-bundle-Bioconductor easyconfigs;

- `(***)` enable building static libs and check for `libexslt.*` in libxslt;

Prominent bug fixes & changes

(bug fixes or changes that (may) warrant reinstalling easyconfigs are marked with `(***)`)

- fix regex for extracting glibc version from output of '`ldd --version`' in Gentoo Linux;

- stop running tests with Python 2.7 since it is no longer supported in GitHub Actions;

- patch CMake's `UnixPaths.cmake` script if `--sysroot` is set;

- use upstream patch for symbol compatibility in XZ 5.2.5;

- `(***)` change base compiler for `intel/2023.03` to `GCCcore/12.3.0` (required to use it as `intel/2023a`);

- `(***)` use patch to make ncbi-vdb 2.11.2 compatible with HDF5 1.12.2;

- `(***)` stick to FFmpeg 4.4.2 as dependency for SoX 14.4.2;

- `(***)` fix exec permissions for all binaries & scripts of L_RNA_scaffolder 20190530;

- `(***)` update SUNDIALS dependency for Cantera v2.6.0 to v6.5.1 + add missing dependencies;

- `(***)` fix incorrect version for GMAP-GSNAP 2021-12-17 (was 2021-21-17);

- `(***)` fix toolchain for networkx-3.0 (`foss/2022b` -> `gfbf/2022b`);

- `(***)` bump OpenSSL 1.1 wrapper fallback to 1.1.1u;

Supported software

Support for installing 76 new software packages has been added, including (but not limited to):

- alleleIntegrator
- BayesPrism
- Circuitscape
- DaliLite
- ecFlow
- FragPipe
- KerasTuner
- mannkendall
- MONAI-Label
- NanoStat
- pastml
- Perl-bundle-CPAN
- PyBioLib
- Sniffles
- Tapenade
- timm
- wrapt
- xclip

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 3,161 (excluding extensions)!
An up-to-date list of supported software is available [here](https://docs.easybuild.io/version-specific/supported-software).

Various software updates have been added, including (but not limited to):

- alleleCount 4.2.1
- BayesTraits 3.0.2
- Bowtie2 2.5.1
- Cellpose 2.2.2
- CUDA 12.1.1 + 12.2.0
- CVXOPT 1.3.1
- deepTools 3.5.2
- DMTCP 3.0.0
- dorado 0.3.0 + 0.3.1
- duplex-tools 0.3.3
- fastp 0.23.4
- FreeSurfer 7.4.0
- GCC 11.4.0
- Geant4 11.1.2
- GROMACS 2023.1
- Horovod 0.25.0
- Julia 1.9.0
- LibLZF 3.6
- MaxQuant
- MMseqs2 14-7e284
- MuJoCo 2.2.2
- ncbi-vdb 3.0.5
- ont-fast5-api 4.1.1
- openpyxl 3.1.2
- ParaView 5.11.1
- Perl 5.36.1
- PSI4 1.7
- Pysam 0.21.0
- Python 3.11.3
- PyTorch 1.13.1
- Rust 1.70.0
- seqtk 1.4
- SUNDIALS 6.5.1
- TransDecoder 5.5.0
- Transformers 4.29.2 + 4.30.2
- VTK 9.2.6
- xarray 2023.4.2
- zlib-ng 2.0.7

These changes result from various contributions, made by 25 different contributors:

* 9 merged pull requests for EasyBuild framework
* 13 merged pull requests for easyblocks
* 301 merged pull requests for easyconfigs

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v4.8.0, there are [several options](https://docs.easybuild.io/installation/#updating).
Two particularly easy options include:

* `eb --install-latest-eb-release`

* `eb --from-pr 18282` use easyconfig from [PR 18282](https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/18282)

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