- add ebookmaker CRITICAL notifications to ebookconverter.log - in FileInfo, simplify is_readable to align with method used in ebookmaker - change coverpage rel to icon to synch with ebookmaker; requires 0.11.16
- add check for outdated gzip files and remove them
- added some testing of candidates - check for outdated gz files and remove them - updated ebookmaker and libgutenberg requirements
- The encoding for all python source files was changed to UTF8. A mis-encoded python file caused a problem with mdashes in titles. - multi-line titles had _ instead of \r. This was a relic of the hack needed to pass the title from python to PHP - updated ebookmaker and libgutenberg requirements
- add cron-csv-catalog.sh - updadate cron-dopush.sh to omit redundant sourcing - synch shell scripts with production - update libgutenberg