- updated libgutenberg to 0.5.1 - added warning when mediatype of a linked file cannot be determined
Not secure
- fixed bugs in ParserFactory that raised exceptions for parsers built from package-supplied resources - fixed bug that raised exceptions when a cover was rejected for being too small
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- disabled html to txt conversion because no conversion was being done - changed a truth eval of an etree element to silence deprecation warnings - corrected documentation of config behavior - better install documentation
Not secure
- deconflicted an overloaded "parsers" variable - fix parse failure when an htm file links to valid xml (not xhtml) - updated libgutenberg to correctly handle music files.
Not secure
- fixed bug where a cover is always generated during conversion to kindle - epub generated files are now only saved to log for -v -v -v
Not secure
- fixed bug where if generated cover can't be written, ebookfile is not made - when outputdir is specified, cover is written to outputdir - updated libgutenberg to support 'aut' in marcrel covers - unloaded outputdir from job queue, as it had been passing in options