
Latest version: v0.2.5

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* 150623

* 1739 Scaffolded from the template **laufire-py-package, v0.1.0**.
* 2355 Preparation done.

* 150625

* 1000 Decided to use a single dictionary arg as the way to provide data to the functions, over using multiple args (the common python way), as the former is more elegant. And also because kwargs aren't available on other platforms, t2hus making the implementation of the API, hard.
* 1745 The development of the library is suspended, as the intended improvements over commander are added to commander itself.

* 150629

* 1440 Resumed the development.
* 1740 Dispatch mode completed.
* 2200 Shell mode completed.
* 2200 It tool ~7hrs to implement a working prototype, most of the time went to developing the details.
* 2300 Added scripts/examples/
* 2305 Added scripts/tests/

* 150630

* 0105 Found that sphinx-autodoc cannot document objects of custom classes.
* 0135 Generated some primitive documentation for using autodoc.
* 1640 Made ec embeddable.
* 1820 Made ec completely embeddable.
* 1820 Documented using sphinx autodoc.
* 1900 Class based groups could now have ec members.
* 1915 Redid the entry points. **ec** could now be used to launch scripts.
* 2005 **ec** could now be used to launch all the scripts in a dir.
* 2050 Linted the scripts.

* 150701

* 0100 Extracted the workers from the decorators in It is done in order to avoid re-parsing the workers over and over.
* 0330 Added a custom type **types.regex.pattern**. It took ~20 mins.
* 0515 Unknown args are now filtered out.
* 0520 Added a custom type lib **types.multi**, that helps with inputs related to lists.
* 2100 Class, CustomType introduced.
* 2130 Changed input string generation process of the variables.
* 2240 Added, that allow the calling of tasks with partial inputs.
* 2315 Added a custom type **types.basics.yn**.

* 150702

* 0055 Added a custom type **types.adv.t2t**, which could convert ec args into custom types.
* 0140 Dispatch mode now supports flags.
* 0145 Dispatch mode flag -p introduced to allow sending partial args to the executing command.
* 0345 ec scripts could now be wrapped (by other modules to provide extended functionality, like a GUI etc).
* 0520 Added to help with wrapping ec.
* 0550 introduced.
* 0750 Wrote some tests.
* 1405 Added TODO.rst.
* 1535 Added tools/spellcheckbat.
* 1620 Added tools/dist.bat.
* 1655 Pushed to github.
* 1735 Registered the package at PiPy.
* 2145 Shell mode now supports **None** inputs, through the \\0 (^z) char.
* 2005 Command routes are now separated by '/', instead of ' '; in order to closely emulate query strings.
* 2005 Dispatch mode now supports **None** inputs, through omitted '=' signs after the arg names. ie: in *task1 a b=1*, the value of **a** will be **None**.

* 150703

* 1830 Tuned config processing to be cleaner.
* 1925 Aliases introduced.
* 1935 docs/dev_notes.rst added.

* 150704

* 1310 Introduced ec.utils, with a set of utility functions for the scripts.
* 1340 Introduced ec.utils.get, that helps to interactively get user input.
* 1355 Renamed the module, to ec.config.
* 1645 Tuned the handling of description strings.
* 1705 Bug fixed: -h flag in the dispatch mode wasn't working.

* 150705

* 2145 Renamed the module, ec.config back to, as it felt more apt .
* 2310 Added

* 150706

* 0045 Added
* 0050 v0.1.1 released.
* 0350 Replaced tools/dist.bat with tools/ (the former was buggy).
* 0050 v0.1.2 released. Though no changes were made to the package, it wasn't possible to upload the module (because of a previously missing file), to PyPI with the same version string.
* 1545 Tried, but failed to automate the building of README.rst with sphinx, to be used as the long_description for the package (which would be used as the home page in PyPI); as there wasn't a way to dynamically generate rst-s fr static rst files.
* 1725 Altered README.rst to fit PyPI.
* 1725 Added tools/upload_docs.bat.
* 1805 Found that stdin could be used to test the shell mode.

* 150708

* 1830 Made the name arg of the decorator, arg, optional.
* 1840 Switched to google-style docstrings.
* 1950 Added more docstrings.
* 2100 v0.1.3 released.
* 2335 Removed ec calls from the exception tracebacks of the scripts, to make the traceback more understandable. It took ~1:30 hrs to finish it, owing mostly to the inexperience with tracebacks.

* 150709

* 0205 Tuned the error reporting process (~30 mins).
* 0415 Tried, but failed to arrange the members in their order of declaration, due to the failure in finding the lineno for the classes (it was found for functions in co_firstlineno).
* 0500 Added types.path.
* 0520 Added types.adv.chain.
* 0540 Bug fixed: arg configurations without names weren't processed properly.
* 0600 Replaced tools/\*.bat with tools/, an ec based script.
* 0645 v0.1.4 released.
* 0730 Added types.adv.invert.
* 2115 Members are added in an orderly fashion.

* 150710

* 0105 Added tests/
* 0520 Tried, but failed to make tasks inside groups to be callable, like **group1.task1(...)**. ~2 hrs of tinkering couldn't make the unbound methods into functions.
* 0705 Added tests/
* 0930 All the methods of the groups are converted to static methods, to facilitate easier calling.
* 1945 Introduced
* 1950 Conversion of static methods has been moved from ec.core to The functionality is now exposed as **utils.static**.
* 1950 Nested modules made to work.

* 150712

* 0500 Moved helper_tasks.listMemberHelps to helper.listMemberHelps, to avoid importing helper_tasks in the dispatch mode.

* 150713

* 0050 modules.state introduced.
* 0500 Removed ec.start, the scripts now just have to import ec, to be considered an ec script.
* 0500 Introduced ec.settings to replace ec.start as the settings provider.
* 1805 Moved shell helpers, clear and help to '/', with an option to move them inside a group through **ec.settings.helper_route**.
* 2250 Partially redid the core (member classification) to support the new API. Neseted modules and launching dirs aren't supported yet.

* 150714

* 0400 Introduced modules.config.member to allow the addition of imported members to scripts.
* 0425 Nested modules now support the newer API.
* 0720 Dir launching now supports the newer API.

* 150715

* 1700 Separated the hooks from into modules.hooks.

* 150716

* 0305 Redid the core to support the new API.
* 0500 Simplified the static method conversions of the groups.
* 0725 Tuned and linted.
* 0900 Added
* 0955 Made README.rst to be compatible with PyPI. To ensure compatibility the file is now linted before uploads.
* 1945 Bug fixed: In modules.hooks.hookIntoImport.newImp module names weren't processed correctly.

* 150717

* 0945 Bug fixed: Exiting from exit hook (from the shell mode) caused errors, when stdlib.threading is imported. It took ~5hrs, of which ~4hrs is spent to spot the bug.
* 1030 removed.
* 1535 Bettered import hooking.
* 1610 Added tests/
* 1925 Added tests/
* 2100 Added tests/
* 2200 v0.2.0 released with changes to the API.

* 150718

* 0220 Bettered tools/

* 150722

* 2240 Added **force_config**, **add** to ec.interface.

* 150723

* 0045 now passes the raised exceptions to the calling script; previously it was processed within ec.
* 1035 Bettered help on both modes.
* 1235 Mode, dispatch, now shows help on some HandledException-s.

* 150725

* 1200 Removed the ways to pass **None** as the value for args, as the existing command line format, which allows *None* as values meddled didn't allow positional args. As of now the only way to have **None** values is to pass them as the defaults of the configs.
* 1335 Positional args are supported. It took ~3hrs, mainly due to the change being very close to the core (4 modules had to be altered).
* 1340 v0.2.1 released.

* 150726

* 0635 Bug Fixed: Default value and labels in ec.types.basics.yn weren't handled properly.
* 0750 Bug fixed: Default attributes of the custom types weren't considered as the default of the arg's config.
* 2120 Tuned the default value handling, in order to better the display .
* 2140 ec.types.basics.yn now supports defaults other than 'y' and 'n'.

* 150727

* 1035 Introduced ec.utils.custom, to help with creating custom types on the fly.

* 150728

* 1200 Kwarg **desc** of CustomType.__init__ is now **type_str**.
* 1335 Redid CustomType handling, in order to make the types more configurable.
* 1625 altered to support the newer CustomType handling.
* 1635 Custom types are now more configurable.
* 1640 v0.2.2 released.
* 1800 Failure logs of several tests have been improved to display more data.
* 2015 Bug fixed: Several tests based on weren't tested.

* 150729

* 0700 utils.custom is now a CustomType (was a function). The change is made to allow dynamic configuration.
* 1010 Improved the API docs.
* 1425 Moved the test targets from tests/support to tests/targets.
* 1455 Introduced ec.exit_hook, a decorator that helps with adding **cleanup** functions.
* 1930 utils.walk introduced.

* 150730

* 1700 Bug fixed: utils.walk was walking over aliases too.

* 150731

* 0700 Config['name'] is now validated.
* 1300 Introduced eccontrib.sphinxdoc: An autodoc inspired sphinx exetnsion, that could document ec based scripts and their members.
* 1640 CustomTypes doesn't require the 'default' value during construction, anymore.
* 1700 Bettered the handling of descriptions, by ensuring the availabiliy of 'type_str' in all arg config.
* 1825 Class, **types.basics.yn** is now **YN**. And **yn** is now the default singleton of YN.
* 1950 Realigned tools/ to be more readable. Thus setting an example for readable writing.

* 150801

* 0110 Ec now uses the development version of sphinxdoc, through the link **docs/eccontrib**.

* 150806

* 0255 modules.helpers.exit is exposed as utils.exit, to allow the scripts to exit in a thread safe manner.
* 1535 Bug fixed: core.processModule wasn't adding group members to the groups that were the first member of their module.
* 1555 v0.2.3 released.

* 150808

* 0155 Bug fixed: exposed.get wasn't considering 'default' vaules while generating labels for the queries.

* 150813

* 1950 Tuned types.num.

* 150817

* 2225 Bug fixed: tests were added to the package.
* 2355 Tuned the packaging.

* 150818

* 0345 Added tools/ to install build requirements.
* 0350 ec is now developed in a virtual env, located at **venv**.
* 0525 Extracted sphinxdoc as a separate repo from ec.

* 150825

* 0405 Bug fixed: Initial type_str generation in ec.modules.classes.Task.__config_arg__ was buggy.

* 150826

* 1830 Dusted the docs. The docs now use tabs for indention.
* 2015 Extended linting to the tests and the scripts.

* 150827

* 0510 Bug fixed: Initial type_str generation was buggy.
* 0510 types.multi updated.
* 1250 Trimmed trailing spaces and unified the line-endings to **lf**.

* 150830

* 1525 Tightened the linting.

* 150910

* 1600 Bug fixed: Description generation on custom types was buggy.
* 1700 Spent an hour recovering the files from an Unknown reversal of the repo to an unknown historic state.

* 150914

* 1935 v0.2.4 released.
* 2235 tools/main/pkg/upload now uploads a wheel too.

* 150915

* 1315 Redid the desc generation.

* 160305

* 2220 Added ec.throw to allow using lambdas as custom types.

* 160717

* 0835 Fixed: The help string of the types multi.* weren't rendered properly.
* 1000 Introduced ec.make_type, to ease the creation of custom types.
* 1015 Tuned the error handling of invalid values.

* 160731

* 0710 The setting, dev_mode=True is now silent=False, so to ease development.
* 0710 Introduced as setting, **debug**, to allow he debugging of the scripts during development.

* 160818

* 0152 Introduced ArgConfig.prefix, to help with indentation.
* 0212 Introduced ArgConfig.label, to explicitly force the input label.

* 160904

* 0957 Standardized the line endings.

* 161023

* 1822 Introduced settings.errorHandler.

* 170208

* 2255 Fixed. Some settings are now dynamic (could be changed at run-time).
* 2305 is now notExits.

* 170213

* 0000 Lost an unknown (but a minor) amount of uncommited changes, through the removal of files from a linked deployment.

* 170513

* 2105 ec.types.regex now has inbuilt type conversions.

* 170713

* 1503 Introduced the option, which could be turned of to enable debugging etc.
* 1507 Introduced tools.injectDelegator. A module to inject the generic call delegator script into the importing module.
* 2150 Bug fixes to the delegator. It wasn't handling multiple arguments well.

* 170715

* 0605 Changed the delegators module separator from a period (.) to a forward slash (/), to be inline with the command line separator.

* 170730

* 1332 Bug fixed: Exceptions didn't set an exit_code for the process.

* 170731

* 0200 Introduced Settings.prompt, to set the prompt of the interactive mode.
* 0217 Commands and args could now be passed through STDIN.

* 170823

* 1611 dispath now prints the return value of the call to stdout.
* 2204 Like invalid arguments, now, missing arguments too logs expected type in the error message.



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