Bug fixes:
Strict checking of DER requirements when parsing SEQUENCE, INTEGER,
DER parsers now consistently raise `UnexpectedDER` exception on malformed DER
encoded byte strings.
Make sure that both malformed and invalid signatures raise `BadSignatureError`.
Ensure that all `SigningKey` and `VerifyingKey` methods that should accept
bytes-like objects actually do accept them (also avoid copying input strings).
Make `SigningKey.sign_digest_deterministic` use default object hashfunc when
none was provided.
`encode_integer` now works for large integers.
Make `encode_oid` and `remove_object` correctly handle OBJECT IDENTIFIERs
with large second sub-identifier and padding in encoded sub-identifiers.
New features:
Deterministic signature methods now accept the `extra_entropy` parameter to
further randomise the selection of `k` (the nonce) for signature, as specified
in RFC6979.
Recovery of the public key from signature is now supported.
Support for SEC1/X9.62 formatted keys, all three encodings are supported:
"uncompressed", "compressed" and "hybrid". Both string, and PEM/DER will
automatically accept them, if the size of the key matches the curve.
Benchmarking application now provides performance numbers that are easier to
compare against OpenSSL.
Support for all Brainpool curves (non-twisted).
New API:
`CurveFp`: `__str__` is now supported.
`SigningKey.sign_deterministic`, `SigningKey.sign_digest_deterministic` and
`generate_k`: extra_entropy parameter was added
`Signature.recover_public_keys` was added
`VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery` and
`VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery_with_digest` were added
`VerifyingKey.to_string`: `encoding` parameter was added
`VerifyingKey.to_der` and `SigningKey.to_der`: `point_encoding` parameter was
`encode_bitstring`: `unused` parameter was added
`remove_bitstring`: `expect_unused` parameter was added
`SECP256k1` is now part of `curves` `*` import
`Curves`: `__repr__` is now supported
`VerifyingKey`: `__repr__` is now supported
Python 2.5 is not supported anymore - dead code removal.
`from ecdsa.keys import *` will now import only objects defined in that module.
Trying to decode a malformed point using `VerifyingKey.from_string`
will rise now the `MalformedPointError` exception (that inherits from
`AssertionError` but is not it).
Multiple functions in `numbertheory` are considered deprecated: `phi`,
`carmichael`, `carmichael_of_factorized`, `carmichael_of_ppower`,
`order_mod`, `largest_factor_relatively_prime`, `kinda_order_mod`. They will
now emit `DeprecationWarning` when used. Run the application or test suite
with `-Wd` option or with `PYTHONWARNINGS=default` environment variable to
verify if those methods are not used. They will be removed completely in a
future release.
`encode_bitstring` and `decode_bitstring` expect the number of unused
bits to be passed as an argument now. They will emit `DeprecationWarning`
if they are used in the deprecated way.
modular_exp: will emit `DeprecationWarning`
Deterministic signatures now verify that the signature won't leak private
key through a very unlikely selection of `k` value (the nonce).
Nonce bit size hiding was added (hardening against Minerva attack). Please
note that it DOES NOT make the library secure against side-channel attacks
(timing attacks).
The public key in key generation is not verified twice now, making key
generation and private key reading about 33% faster.
Microoptimisation to `inverse_mod` function, increasing performance by about
40% for all operations.
Extended test coverage to newer python versions.
Fixes to examples in README.md: correct commands, more correct code (now works
on Python 3).
Stopped bundling `six`
Moved sources into `src` subdirectory
Made benchmarking script standalone (runnable either with `tox -e speed`, or
after installation, with `python speed.py`)
Now test coverage reported to coveralls is branch coverage, not line coverage
Autodetection of curves supported by OpenSSL (test suite compatibility with
Fedora OpenSSL package).
More readable error messages (exceptions) in `der` module.
Documentation to `VerifyingKey`, `SigningKey` and signature encoder/decoder
functions added.
Added measuring and verifying condition coverage to Continuous Integration.
Big clean-up of the test suite, use pytest parametrisation and hypothesis
for better test coverage and more precise failure reporting.
Use platform-provided `math.gcd`, when provided.