- Progressbar on Jupyter Notebook 105
- Better styles for visualization especially for matplotlib 79
- A member function to distinguish Species for molecules and structures 102
- Enable user-defined macros for Python decorators 59
- Enable to save a movie as mp4 85
- Enable to set tolerances for ODE through a Factory class 97
- 2D visualization of 3D world for animation 95
- getVelocity for ODE simulation 96
- Implicit dissolution of bindings in the rule-based modeling 113
- Higher resolution for plot_movie 110
- Enable to save time course data of NumberObservers 109
- FixedIntervalTrajectoryObserver should have its small interval to check the periodic boundary effect separately from logging interval 93
- Convenient functions for declaring fundamental objects 90
- Enable to set ranges to show trajectories on viz.plot_trajectory 82
Bug fix
- Fixed kernel death that would occur when there is no species in the viz.plot_movie_with_matplotlib(..., species_list) 104
- Implement egfrd::World::list_species() 118
- Spatiocyte doesn't accept the second-order reaction with translocation 124
- Wrong absorption rate for mesoscopic simulations 103