
Latest version: v1.2.0

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Release date: 2020-10-18.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is the first major release of echofilter.

.. _v1.0.0 Added:


.. _v1.0.0 Added Inference:


- Add support for loading checkpoints shipped as part of the package.
(`228 <>`__)
- More detailed error messages when unable to download or load a model
i.e. due to a problem with the Internet connection, a 404 error,
or because the hard disk is out of space.
(`228 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0 Added Documentation:


- Add Usage Guide source and sphinx documentation PDF generation routines
(`232 <>`__,
`233 <>`__,
`234 <>`__,
`235 <>`__)



Release date: 2020-09-23.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is the third release candidate for the forthcoming v1.0.0 major release.

.. _v1.0.0rc3 Fixed:


.. _v1.0.0rc3 Fixed Inference:


- Include extension in temporary EVL file, fixing issue importing it into Echoview.
(`224 <>`__)



Release date: 2020-09-23.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is the second release candidate for the forthcoming v1.0.0 major release.

.. _v1.0.0rc2 Fixed:


.. _v1.0.0rc2 Fixed Inference:


- Fix reference to ``echofilter.raw.loader.evl_loader`` when loading EVL files into Echoview.
(`222 <>`__)



Release date: 2020-09-23.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is a release candidate for the forthcoming v1.0.0 major release.

.. _v1.0.0rc1 Changed:


.. _v1.0.0rc1 Changed Inference:


- Import lines into Echoview twice, once with and once without offset.
(`218 <>`__)
- EVL outputs now indicate raw depths, before any offset or clipping is applied.
(`218 <>`__)
- Change default ``--lines-during-passive`` value from ``"predict"`` to ``"interpolate-time"``.
(`216 <>`__)
- Disable all bad data region outputs by default.
(`217 <>`__)
- Change default nearfield cut-off behaviour to only clip the bottom line (upfacing data) and not the turbulence line (downfacing data).
(`219 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0rc1 Changed Training:


- Reduce minimum distance by which surface line must be above turbulence line from 0.25m to 0m.
(`212 <>`__)
- Reduce minimum distance by which bottom line must be above surface line from 0.5m to 0.02m.
(`212 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0rc1 Fixed:


.. _v1.0.0rc1 Fixed Inference:


- Change nearfield line for downfacing recordings to be nearfield distance below the shallowest recording depth, not at a depth equal to the nearfield distance.
(`214 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0rc1 Added:


.. _v1.0.0rc1 Added Inference:


- Add new checkpoints: v2.0, v2.1 for stationary model; v2.0, v2.1, v2.2 for conditional hybrid model.
(`213 <>`__)
- Add notes to lines imported into Echoview.
(`215 <>`__)
- Add arguments controlling color and thickness of offset lines (``--color-surface-offset``, etc).
(`218 <>`__)
- Add argument ``--cutoff-at-nearfield`` which re-enables clipping of the turbulence line at nearfield depth with downfacing data.
(`219 <>`__)



Release date: 2020-07-05.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is a beta pre-release of v1.0.0.

.. _v1.0.0b4 Changed:


.. _v1.0.0b4 Changed Inference:


- Arguments relating to top are renamed to turbulence, and "top" outputs are renamed "turbulence".
(`190 <>`__)
- Change default checkpoint from ``conditional_mobile-stationary2_effunet6x2-1_lc32_v1.0`` to ``conditional_mobile-stationary2_effunet6x2-1_lc32_v2.0``.
(`208 <>`__)
- Status value in EVL outputs extends to final sample (as per specification, not observed EVL files).
(`201 <>`__)
- Rename ``--nearfield-cutoff`` argument to ``--nearfield``, add ``--no-cutoff-at-nearfield`` argument to control whether the turbulence/bottom line can extend closer to the echosounder that the nearfield line.
(`203 <>`__)
- Improved UI help and verbosity messages.
(`187 <>`__,
`188 <>`__,
`203 <>`__,
`204 <>`__,
`207 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Changed Training:


- Use 0m as target for surface line for downfacing, not the top of the echogram.
(`191 <>`__)
- Don't include periods where the surface line is below the bottom line in the training loss.
(`191 <>`__)
- Bottom line target during nearfield is now the bottom of the echogram, not 0.5m above the bottom.
(`191 <>`__)
- Normalise training samples separately, based on their own Sv intensity distribution after augmentation.
(`192 <>`__)
- Record echofilter version number in checkpoint file.
(`193 <>`__)
- Change "optimal" depth zoom augmentation, used for validation, to cover a slightly wider depth range past the deepest bottom and shallowest surface line.
(`194 <>`__)
- Don't record fraction of image which is active during training.
(`206 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Changed Miscellaneous:


- Rename top->turbulence, bot->bottom surf->surface, throughout all code.
(`190 <>`__)
- Convert undefined value -10000.99 to NaN when loading lines from EVL files.
(`191 <>`__)
- Include surface line in transect plots.
(`191 <>`__)
- Move argparser and colour styling into ui subpackage.
(`198 <>`__)
- Move inference command line interface to its own module to increase responsiveness for non-processing actions (``--help``, ``--version``, ``--list-checkpoints``, ``--list-colors``).
(`199 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Fixed:


.. _v1.0.0b4 Fixed Inference:


- Fix depth extent of region boxes.
(`186 <>`__)
- EVL and EVR outputs extend half a timestamp interval so it is clear what is inside their extent.
(`200 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Fixed Training:


- Labels for passive collection times in Minas Passage and Grand Passage datasets are manually set for samples where automatic labeling failed.
(`191 <>`__)
- Interpolate surface depths during passive periods.
(`191 <>`__)
-  Smooth out anomalies in the surface line, and exclude the smoothed version from the training loss.
(`191 <>`__)
-  Use a looser nearfield removal process when removing the nearfield zone from the bottom line targets, so nearfield is removed from all samples where it needs to be.
(`191 <>`__)
- When reshaping samples, don't use higher order interpolation than first for the bottom line with upfacing data, as the boundaries are rectangular
(`191 <>`__)
- The precision criterion's measurement value when there are no predicted positives equals 1 and if there are no true positives and 0 otherwise (previously 0.5 regardless of target).
(`195 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Added:


.. _v1.0.0b4 Added Inference:


- Add nearfield line to EV file when importing lines, and add ``--no-nearfield-line`` argument to disable this.
(`203 <>`__)
- Add arguments to control display of nearfield line, ``--color-nearfield`` and ``--thickness-nearfield``.
(`203 <>`__)
- Add ``-r`` and ``-R`` short-hand arguments for recursive and non-recursive directory search.
(`189 <>`__)
- Add ``-s`` short-hand argument for ``--skip``
(`189 <>`__)
- Add two new model checkpoints to list of available checkpoints, ``conditional_mobile-stationary2_effunet6x2-1_lc32_v1.1`` and ``conditional_mobile-stationary2_effunet6x2-1_lc32_v2.0``.
(`208 <>`__)
- Use YAML file to define list of available checkpoints.
(`208 <>`__,
`209 <>`__)
- Default checkpoint is shown with an asterisk in checkpoint list.
(`202 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b4 Added Training:


- Add cold/warm restart option, for training a model with initial weights from the output of a previously trained model.
(`196 <>`__)
- Add option to manually specify training and validation partitions.
(`205 <>`__)



Release date: 2020-06-25.
`Full commit changelog <>`__.

This is a beta pre-release of v1.0.0.

.. _v1.0.0b3 Changed:


.. _v1.0.0b3 Changed Inference:


- Rename ``--crop-depth-min`` argument to ``--crop-min-depth``, and ``--crop-depth-max`` argument to ``--crop-max-depth``.
(`174 <>`__)
- Rename ``--force_unconditioned`` argument to ``--force-unconditioned``.
(`166 <>`__)
- Default offset of surface line is now 1m.
(`168 <>`__)
- Change default ``--checkpoint`` so it is always the same (the conditional model), independent of the ``--facing`` argument.
(`177 <>`__)
- Change default ``--lines-during-passive`` from ``"redact"`` to ``"predict"``.
(`176 <>`__)
- Change ``--sufix-csv`` behaviour so it should no longer include ``".csv"`` extension, matching how ``--suffix-file`` is handled.
(`171 <>`__,
`175 <>`__)
- Change handling of ``--suffix-var`` and ``--sufix-csv`` to prepend with ``"-"`` as a delimiter if none is included in the string, as was already the case for ``--sufix-file``.
(`170 <>`__,
`171 <>`__)
- Include ``--suffix-var`` string in region names.
(`173 <>`__)
- Improved UI help and verbosity messages.
(`166 <>`__,
`167 <>`__,
`170 <>`__,
`179 <>`__,
`180 <>`__,
`182 <>`__)
- Increase default verbosity level from 1 to 2.
(`179 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b3 Fixed:


.. _v1.0.0b3 Fixed Inference:


- Autocrop with upward facing was running with reflected data as its input, resulting in the data being processed upside down and by the wrong conditional model.
(`172 <>`__)
- Remove duplicate leading byte order mark character from evr file output, which was preventing the file from importing into Echoview.
(`178 <>`__)
- Fix \\r\\n line endings being mapped to \\r\\r\\n on Windows in evl and evr output files.
(`178 <>`__)
- Show error message when importing the evr file into the ev file fails.
(`169 <>`__)
- Fix duplicated Segments tqdm progress bar.
(`180 <>`__)

.. _v1.0.0b3 Added:


.. _v1.0.0b3 Added Inference:


- Add ``--offset-surface`` argument, which allows the surface line to be adjusted by a fixed distance.
(`168 <>`__)

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