
Latest version: v0.15.1

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This minor release was produced prior to CEF 2024 to enable public usage of HARK with the SSJ toolkit.

Major Changes


Minor Changes

- Adds example of integration of HARK with SSJ toolkit. [1447](
- Maintains compatibility between EconForge interpolation and numba [1457](


Note: Due to major changes on this release, you may need to adjust how AgentTypes are instantiated in your projects using HARK. If you are manually constructing "complicated" objects like MrkvArray, they should be assigned to your instances *after* initialization, not passed as part of the parameter dictionary. See also the new constructor methodology for how to pass parameters for such constructed inputs.

This release drops support for Python 3.8 and 3.9, consistent with SPEC 0, and adds support for Python 3.11 and 3.12. We expect that all HARK features still work with the older versions, but they are no longer part of our testing regimen.

Major Changes

- Drop official support for Python 3.8 and 3.9, add support for 3.11 and 3.12. [1415](
- Replace object-oriented solvers with single function versions. [1394](
- Object-oriented solver code has been moved to /HARK/ConsumptionSaving/, for legacy support of downstream projects.
- AgentTypeMonteCarloSimulator now requires model shock, parameter, and dynamics information to be organized into 'blocks'. The DBlock object is introduced. [1411](
- RBlock object allows for recursive composition of DBlocks in models, as demonstrated by the AgentTypeMonteCarloSimulator [1417](
- Transtion, reward, state-rulle value function, decision value function, and arrival value function added to DBlock [1417](
- All methods that construct inputs for solvers are now functions that are specified in the dictionary attribute `constructors`. [1410](
- Such constructed inputs can use alternate parameterizations / formats by changing the `constructor` function and providing its arguments in `parameters`.
- Move `HARK.datasets` to `HARK.Calibration` for better organization of data and calibration tools. [1430](

Minor Changes

- Add option to pass pre-built grid to `LinearFast`. [1388](
- Moves calculation of stable points out of ConsIndShock solver, into method called by post_solve [1349](
- Adds cubic spline interpolation and value function construction to "warm glow bequest" models.
- Fixes cubic spline interpolation for ConsMedShockModel.
- Moves computation of "stable points" from inside of ConsIndShock solver to a post-solution method. [1349](
- Corrects calculation of "human wealth" under risky returns, providing correct limiting linear consumption function. [1403](
- Removed 'parameters' from new block definitions; these are now 'calibrations' provided separately.
- Create functions for well-known and repeated calculations in single-function solvers. [1395](
- Re-work WealthPortfolioSolver to use approximate EGM method [1404](
- Default parameter dictionaries for AgentType subclasses have been "flattened": all parameters appear in one place for each model, rather than inheriting from parent models' dictionaries. The only exception is submodels *within* a file when only 1 or 2 parameters are added or changed. [1425](
- Fix minor bug in `HARK.distribution.Bernoulli` to allow conversion into `DiscreteDistributionLabeled`. [1432](


Major Changes


Minor Changes

- Fixes a bug in make_figs arising from the metadata argument being incompatible with jpg. [1386](
- Reverts behavior of the repr method of the Model class, so that long strings aren't generated. Full description is available with describe(). [1390](


Major Changes

- Adds `HARK.core.AgentPopulation` class to represent a population of agents with ex-ante heterogeneous parametrizations as distributions. [1237](
- Adds `HARK.core.Parameters` class to represent a collection of time varying and time invariant parameters in a model. [1240](
- Adds `HARK.simulation.monte_carlo` module for generic Monte Carlo simulation functions using Python model configurations. [1296](

Minor Changes

- Adds option `sim_common_Rrisky` to control whether risky-asset models draw common or idiosyncratic returns in simulation. [1250](,[#1253](
- Addresses [1255]( Makes age-varying stochastic returns possible and draws from their discretized version. [#1262](
- Fixes bug in the metric that compares dictionaries with the same keys. [1260](
- Fixes bug in the calc_jacobian method. [1342](
- Fixes bug that prevented risky-asset consumer types from working with time-varying interest rates `Rfree`. [1343](
- Overhauls and expands condition checking for the ConsIndShock model [1294]( Condition values and a description of their interpretation is stored in the bilt dictionary of IndShockConsumerType.
- Creates a `models/` directory with Python model configurations for perfect foresight and Fisher 2-period models. [1347](
- Fixes bug in AgentType simulations where 'who_dies' for period t was being recorded in period t-1 in the history Carlo simulation functions using Python model configurations.[1296](
- Removes unused `` .[1296](
- Fixes bug that default seed was being used in the initializing of income shock distributions. [1380](



Major Changes

* FrameAgentType for modular definitions of agents [865]( [#1064](
* Frame relationships with backward and forward references, with plotting example [1071](
* PortfolioConsumerFrameType, a port of PortfolioConsumerType to use Frames [865](
* Input parameters for cyclical models now indexed by t [1039](
* A IndexDistribution class for representing time-indexed probability distributions [1018](
* Adds new consumption-savings-portfolio model `RiskyContrib`, which represents an agent who can save in risky and risk-free assets but faces
frictions to moving funds between them. To circumvent these frictions, he has access to an income-deduction scheme to accumulate risky assets.
PR: [832]( See [this forthcoming REMARK]( for the model's details.
* 'cycles' agent property moved from constructor argument to parameter [1031](
* Uses iterated expectations to speed-up the solution of `RiskyContrib` when income and returns are independent [1058](
* `ConsPortfolioSolver` class for solving portfolio choice model replaces `solveConsPortfolio` method [1047](
* `ConsPortfolioDiscreteSolver` class for solving portfolio choice model when allowed share is on a discrete grid [1047](
* `ConsPortfolioJointDistSolver` class for solving portfolio chioce model when the income and risky return shocks are not independent [1047](

Minor Changes

* Using Lognormal.from_mean_std in the forward simulation of the RiskyAsset model [1019](
* Fix bug in DCEGM's primary kink finder due to numpy no longer accepting NaN in integer arrays [990](
* Add a general class for consumers who can save using a risky asset [1012](
* Add Boolean attribute 'PerfMITShk' to consumption models. When true, allows perfect foresight MIT shocks to be simulated. [1013](
* Track and update start-of-period (pre-income) risky and risk-free assets as states in the `RiskyContrib` model [1046](
* distribute_params now uses assign_params to create consistent output [1044](
* The function that computes end-of-period derivatives of the value function was moved to the inside of `ConsRiskyContrib`'s solver [1057](
* Use `np.fill(np.nan)` to clear or initialize the arrays that store simulations. [1068](
* Add Boolean attribute 'neutral_measure' to consumption models. When true, simulations are more precise by allowing permanent shocks to be drawn from a neutral measure (see Harmenberg 2021). [1069](
* Fix mathematical limits of model example in `example_ConsPortfolioModel.ipynb` [1047](
* Update `` to use `calc_expectation` method [1072](
* Fix bug in `calc_normal_style_pars_from_lognormal_pars` due to math error. [1076](
* Fix bug in `distribute_params` so that `AgentCount` parameter is updated. [1089](

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