Released on 2024-08-08.
<!-- * **Add** `set_callback_handler()` method in `iRecorder` to allow user-defined callback function to be called when device connection lost. -->
* **Update** pyEDFlib dependency requirement in `pyproject.toml` from `0.1.37` to `0.1.38` to support `numpy>=2.0.0`.
* **Optimize** `set_frequency()` in `iRecorder`, now you can set sample rate after device connection.
* **Fix** `iFocus` not raise Exception after lost connection with USBadapter.
* **Change** `with_q` argument in `iRecorder` and `iFocus` from constructor to `start_acquisition_data()`.
* **Deprecate** `save_bdf_file()` in `iRecorder`, use `create_bdf_file()` instead.