- First working version of EDA Toolkit.
- Included the following functions:
- `ensure_directory`: Ensures the existence of a directory, creating it if necessary.
- `add_ids`: Adds a column of unique 9-digit IDs to the dataframe.
- `strip_trailing_period`: Removes trailing periods from floats in a specified column.
- `parse_date_with_rule`: Parses and standardizes date strings based on day/month/year or month/day/year formats.
- `data_types`: Provides a report on data types, null values, and their percentages for dataframe columns.
- `dataframe_columns`: Analyzes dataframe columns for data type, nulls, and unique value counts.
- `summarize_all_combinations`: Generates summary tables for all possible combinations of specified variables.
- `save_dataframes_to_excel`: Saves multiple DataFrames to separate sheets in an Excel file with customized formatting.
- `contingency_table`: Creates contingency tables with sorting options.
- `highlight_columns`: Highlights specific columns in a DataFrame with a specified background color.
- `kde_distributions`: Generates KDE or histogram distribution plots for specified columns.
- `stacked_crosstab_plot`: Generates stacked bar plots and crosstabs for specified columns.
- `plot_filtered_dataframes`: Filters dataframes based on conditions and generates plots and crosstabs.
- `metrics_box_violin`: Creates and saves individual boxplots or violin plots for given metrics and comparisons.