
Latest version: v1.0.0

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- File organization structure significantly upgraded.
- Removed database handling in `zconf` submodule.
- ZEO is now handled using https://github.com/Bystroushaak/zeo_connector
- Added automatic temporary test environment generator.
- Fixed 46 - bug in Mime handling.
- Thanks to `zeo_connector`, cacheing is no longer needed, so everything should work instatly.
- Added support for Tree's of periodical documents.


- ZIP Archives are now supported. They should result into creation of directory on disc.
- Generator for generating structures rewritten to Bottle's templating engine.
- Storage subsystem made universal.
- Added Publication frontend over universal storage.
- Added support for archives.
- ``SearchResult.publications`` renamed to ``SearchResult.records``.
- ``SaveRequest.pub`` renamed to ``SaveRequest.record``.
- AMQP structure ``SaveRequest`` now returns proper ``Archive``/``Publication`` structure with just now saved metadata, without data.
- Fixed bug in ``edeposit_storage_server.py``.
- Fixed import bugs in ``edeposit_storage_server.py``.
- 40: URL is now available even for private publications.
- Quick unicode conversion fix.
- Added graceful exit to ``/bin/edeposit_storage_runzeo.sh`` which is required by supervisord.
- Added custom 403 message.
- Fixed bug in database connection caching.
- Bottle's ``SimpleTemplate`` is now used instead of python's ``string.Template``.
- Fixed bug in cached connection.
- Another attempt to solve problems with cached connections.
- Added settings.WEB_DEBUG, settings.WEB_RELOADER.


- `BalancedDiscStorage <http://github.com/Bystroushaak/BalancedDiscStorage>`_ was put into place.
- Serialization/deserialization of base64 content is now made using files, so it shouldn't take so much memory (copying of the string sometimes taked 3 times more than necessary).
- File pointer is now transmitted back with metadata.


- Added support for UUID URL.
- Added retreiving of the URL of the public documents.
- Added example of the configuration files.


- First working version.
- Small bugfix in settings.py.
- Added requirement to `zodbpickle`, which isn't installed automatically on suse for some strange reasons.
- Fixed paths in `runzeo.sh` script.
- `runzeo.sh` fixed and simplified.
- Fixed MANIFEST.in to include default config files.


- Project created.



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