
Latest version: v4.2.2

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Breaking change to the format of helm charts in beamline repos.
- added ioc_name
- added ioc_version
- removed reliance on Chart.Name and Chart.Version

What's Changed
* remove redundant git org argument by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/41
* added ioc_name and ioc_version to helm install cmds by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/42

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.4.1...2.5.0



What's Changed
* fix volume not full path error by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/38

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.4.0...2.4.1


Now supports local docker deployment

For those who do not want to use Kubernetes ec now supports deploying to the local docker instance. If you add a management system like Portainer to the mix you get much of the benefits of epics-containers without the need to manage a K8S cluster.

What's Changed
* remove redundant EC_EPICS_DOMAIN by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/36
* Add support for local docker deployment by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/37

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.3.1...2.4.0


What's Changed
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/32
* bugfix: argument handling by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/35

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.3.0...2.3.1


Tidy the CLI API.
Tidy up the code structrue.
Add unit tests.
Fix a few bugs.

What's Changed
* refactor dev commands by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/31
* ADD CI TESTS by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/34

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.2.0...2.3.0


review api

What's Changed
* bump release by gilesknap in https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/pull/30

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/epics-containers/epics-containers-cli/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0

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