Bugs: * See the bugs in the milestone for this release
* Bugs: * See the bugs in the [milestone](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-library/milestone/4?closed=1) for this release
Bugs: * See the bugs in the [milestone](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-library/milestone/3?closed=1) for this release
* Features: * If multiple classes are found (ie when searching for a SettingsManager), it will now pick the one that is deepest in hierarchy from the desired class * Updated parsers for DSC, FDF, and DEC * Bugs: * See the bugs in the [milestone](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-library/milestone/2?closed=1) for this release
* Features: * If multiple classes are found (ie when searching for a SettingsManager), it can now pick the one that is closest to the original module file * Unified Azure Pipeline * Added Capsule object classes to support decoding and encoding * Bugs * Catch errors when emitting invalid characters to the markdown log handler * Processor info is now checked in a case insensitive manner (fixes OpenBSD)
* Features: * Add GuidList object to allow easy file system parsing of edk2 files for complete list of guids * Add gitignore syntax parser to allow for common method to ignore files or folders in tools * Bugs: * Junit report format module was not escaping all user supplied strings which could cause invalid xml output