This is the first big improvement in a while and makes the library easier to use
in my opinion. The changes can be summarised as follows:
- The EA has been moved to the `edo.DataOptimiser` class rather than
- Individuals are now a fully stocked class.
- A new class `Family` for handling the subtypes of a `Distribution` class
externally. Note the move from `edo.families` to `edo.distributions` to
reflect this and to avoid confusion in the future.
- The `Individual` class is more robust now, taking its fitness as an attribute
and being able to store and recover itself entirely -- including the subtype
instances in `Individual.metadata` (a **big** improvement over the
- The pseudo-random number generator framework has been totally decentralised.
This means that stochastic fitness functions can use `np.random.seed` if
necessary without throwing reproducibility out of the window. `Individual` and
`Family` instances are provided their own `np.random.RandomState` instances to
use in sampling, and there is a "lead" state used by `DataOptimiser`.
- Minor changes to `README` and other documentation files hosted on GitHub.