******************** Changed ======= * Added ``reset_offsets_and_sleep_indefinitely`` method to consumer; relying code should switch to calling this when an offset timestamp is set. * Deprecated the ``offset_timestamp`` parameter on the consumer's ``consume_indefinitely`` method, since ``reset_offsets_and_sleep_indefinitely`` should be used instead.
******************** Fixed ===== * In the consumer loop, open new database connection if the old one has closed before processing messages
******************** Fixed ===== * Reset mode now commits the correct offsets to Kafka.
******************** Fixed ======= * Added a poll call to force resets to be processed during replay/offset-reset mode.
******************** Changed ======= * Consumers do not consume events after resetting offsets.
******************** Fixed ===== * Convert timestamps to millisecond offsets as expected by the Kafka API when replaying by timestamp in the consumer