* Feature: Log inline comments closing and re-opening using auto-replies
[voineali refs 18080]
* Change: Changed permission settings for annotator
[olimpiurob 18000]
* Feature: Added basic annotator permissions
[olimpiurob 18000]
* Bug fix: Handle inline comments colors in edit mode
[batradav refs 17705]
* Bug fix: treat case when datetime comes from backend in js with Zulu
[olimpiurob 17999]
* Bug fix: treat datetime coming from backend as UTC. Firefox and Chrome treat
dates differently if they don't have timezone information.
[olimpiurob 17999]
* Change: updated docsting for inline comment fileds class
[ghicaale refs 16666]
* Upgrade step: (optional) In order to optimize requests per page within
ZMI portal_javascripts / portal_css manually reorder annotator JS/CSS resources:
++resource++jquery.annotator.css, ++resource++eea.annotator.view.css,
++resource++jquery.annotator.js, ++resource++eea.annotator.view.js
* Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" install **EEA Annotator**
* Initial release
[voineali refs 17185]