------------------ * Bug fix: Fixed 'smart facets hiding' property for faceted inheritors. [ghicaale refs 5564] * Feature: Adding new "Results Filter" widget which allows filtering the resulting brains from a query using a tal expression, similar to the "TAL Expression" widget [batradav]
------------------ * Bug fix: Review state was fixed to ``published`` only. Let the catalog filter this. Explanation at `mailing list <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups=#!topic/eea-facetednavigation/jcpZTKQp0dA>`_ Upgrade step: warning for those still using old workflows with the infamous state 'visible' aka 'Public draft' and you want to exclude such content from searches, than follow instructions at mailing list above. [jensens] * Bug fix: Cleanup zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType dependency [voineali] * Feature: Adding posibility to sort CountableWidget instances by the counted results [batradav] * Bug fix: Only reorder options of select widget, sorting by count is active [do3cc]
------------------ * Bug fix: With some widgets (sort, date), batch navigation was broken. [thomasdesvenain] * Feature: Added buildouts folder which will contain various samples of configurations [ghicaale 5418] * Bug fix: Changed selector when checking for syndication which was changed from Plone 2.5 to Plone 4 [ichimdav 5412] * Feature: Extracted po message about date widget for all languages. [thomasdesvenain] * Feature: French translations [thomasdesvenain] * Feature: Fixed sort widget reverse option switch. [thomasdesvenain] * Feature: Sort widget works with checkbox/radio widget counters. [thomasdesvenain] * Bug fix: Check if type has a '/view' url (is in typesUseViewActionInListings) on faceted preview item view. [thomasdesvenain] * Feature: Added a Faceted.Options object in view.js so that some behaviors can be customized [thomasdesvenain]
------------------ * Bug fix: Fixed formated_time method in daterange widget to also accept years as valid dates [voineali fixes 5371] * Feature: Changed the i18n keys in .pt inorder to use Google translator kit for translations. Added new translations: bg, cs, da, el, et, fi, hu, is, lt, lv, mt, nl, no, pt, ru, sk, sl, sv, tr [prospchr fixes 5378]
------------------ * Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on upgrade button available for eea.facetednavigation [voineali refs 5218] * Feature: Added 'search' mode for faceted navigable items. See 'Actions' menu. 'search mode' => Display no items on load, just the faceted widgets/facets Useful when you want to replace Plone default search form with a faceted navigable one. Also this is useful when you enable faceted navigation on large databases. [voineali refs 5218] * Feature: Added a way to disable 'smart facets hiding'. See 'Faceted settings' menu. 'smart facets hiding' => facets are hidden if there is only one page of results [voineali refs 3581]