
Latest version: v12.1

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* Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script
[olimpiurob refs 22402]
* Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install
script from the main EEA CPB repository
[olimpiurob refs 22402]


* Change: removed arcgis related code from package that was leftover
after the disabling of map from the previous egg release
[ichimdav refs 21121]


* Change: disabled geotags arcgis map, due to
performance issues.
[demarant refs 21121]
* Bug fix: fixed various CSS for displaing hints
[ghicaale refs 21458]


* Feature: added clear all geo points functionality when editing the current
location list
[ichimdav refs 9037]
* Bug fix: pass componentRestriction option with the country code when picking
the nuts region in order to help Google maps find a better match result
[ichimdav refs 19495]
* Change: on page load the edit widget will be zoomed to fit the bounds
of all of the geo markers
[ichimdav refs 9037]
* Change: geotags edit form now use an accordion menu instead of tabs for
the basic and advanced search options
[ichimdav refs 9037]
* Feature: added search by country, feature class and continent besides the
freeform search useful when needing to find for instance the Po river from
[ichimdav refs 18559]
* Feature: added ability to filter the results by feature class with added
dependency on Select2 jQuery plugin from eea.jquery
[ichimdav refs 18559]


* Change: increase the width of the Edit button Geotag/Location widgit to make
* it more visible
[mironovi refs 9037]
* Feature: remove X-close and rename the button "done" with "Save geotags"
[mironovi refs 9037]
* Bug fix: Geotags view display only secondary information
[voineali refs 18096]
* Bug fix: basket is now fixed to handle properly the geotags
[mironovi fixes 17626]


* Bug fix: no longer store current locations when closing the geotags dialog
[ichimdav fixes 17620]

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