------------------ * Bugfix: set socket timeout to prevent hanging out connection on xmlrpc calling using eventlet [lucas refs 29063]
------------------ * Change: Auto-include zcml within plone context in order to make this package work without having to add it within buildout zcml directive. [avoinea]
------------------ * Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script [olimpiurob refs 22402] * Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install script from the main EEA CPB repository [olimpiurob refs 22402]
------------------ * Feature: adding Sphinx-generated documentation in Page Template format [batradav refs 9502] * Bug fix: removed wrongly added blockquotes within README.rst [ichim-david refs 18064]
------------------ * Change: updated zope imports with the versions that require minimum Plone 4.1 for eea.google [ichimdav refs 15651]