* Change: disable certain elements in google chart editor
that are centrally managed elsewhere in daviz, e.g. color picker, title and fonts.
[demarant refs 18262]
* Feature: Updated Chart Editor with new layout
[szabozo0 refs 18191]
* Feature: Use FontAwesome icons on chart and dashboard configurators
[batradav refs 18191]
* Feature: Moved filters position in a common place
[batradav refs 17861]
* Bugfix: Fixed pre-pivot filter behaviour, when more columns are visible and single select filter is used
[szabozo0 refs 18177]
* Bugfix: Fixed notes position when filters are in the right or in the bottom of the chart
[szabozo0 refs 18174]
* Feature: Don't show main column label in pivoted column labels
[szabozo0 refs 18108]