1. Support three way to treat Hs: TreatHs: The way to treat Hs. Default: 'ignore' (Other options: 'separate': treat Hs separately (H010); 'include': merged to neighboring EFGs) Here 'ignore' means implicit Hs (default by rdkit)
TODO: improve efficiency
1. mol2frag: fix explicit Hs problems in some molecules with H unremovable
1. sandize: fix possible AssertionError e.g.: Nc1cc2c3ccc(n1)c2c3
1. sandize: Dectect problematic molecules and raise AssertionError if it cannot parsed by GetSubstructMatches() e.g.: Nc1cc2c3ccc(n1)c2c3
1. extractAromatic: Improved with merge algotirhm. Fix bugs when dealing with some molecules. e.g.: NCc1ccc2c(c1)NC(Cl)=c1c(Cl)ccnc1=N2
1. standize: accept mol as inputs. Be able to return order if Order=True 2. Fix bugs when dealing with some molecules. e.g.: NCc1cccc2[nH][nH]c3nc(c1)-c23 O=C=c1cc2ccc3c(c2[nH]1)C=CN=3