
Latest version: v8.0.1

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- Upgrade dependencies including [egglog](
- Fix bug with non glob star import
- Fix bug extracting functions


- Adds ability to use anonymous functions where callables are needed. These are automatically transformed to egglog
functions with default rewrites.
- Upgrade [egglog](
- Adds source annotations to expressions for tracebacks
- Adds ability to inline other functions besides primitives in serialized output
- Adds `remove` and `set` methods to `Vec`
- Upgrades to use the new egraph-visualizer so we can have interactive visualizations


- Adds ability to use function bodies as default rewrites ([167](
- Fixed bug with creating empty maps and adding to maps ([168](


New Feaatures

- Upgrade [egglog]( ([#143](
- Adds `bindings.UnstableCombinedRulset` to commands
- Adds `UnstableFn` sort
- Adds support for first class functions as values using Python's built in `Callable` syntax and `partial`.
- Adds way to combine ruleset with `r1 | r2` syntax or the experimental `unstable_combine_rulesets(*rs, name=None)` function.

Minor improvements

- Fixes a bug where you could not write binary dunder methods (like `__add__`) that didn't have symetric arguments
- Use function name as ruleset name by default when creating ruleset from function
- Adds ability to refer to methods and property off of classes instead of only off of instances (i.e. `Math.__add__(x, y)`)


- Defers adding rules in functions until they are used, so that you can use types that are not present yet.
- Removes ability to set custom default ruleset for egraph. Either just use the empty default ruleset or explicitly set it for every run
- Automatically mark Python builtin operators as preserved if they must return a real Python value
- Properly pretty print all items (rewrites, actions, exprs, etc) so that expressions are de-duplicated and state is handled correctly.
- Add automatic releases from github manual action


- Upgrade [egglog](
- Adds subsume action
- Makes all objects besides EGraphs "sendable" aka threadsafe ([129](

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