
Latest version: v2.1.12

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Updated citation


- Updated novel families DB version and added novel families .pkl DB for annotation, which can be downloaded from `` or using ` -D -F`
- Using the novel families search `-m novel_fams` now provides new annotation fields in `.emapper.annotations` output file.


* Bug on issue 432
* Bug when running <code>--decorate_gff yes</code> along with <code>--resume</code>


* Bug fixes (see Pull Requests), including compatibility with python 3.11.
* HMMER database downloaded using <code></code> can be saved with a user specified name (see Pull Requests).
* Paths of input and output files should now accept white spaces.
* <code>--genepred prodigal</code> should accept now gzipped files as input, fixing issue 439.
* Added <code>--timeout_load_server</code> to control the number of attempts made to fire up a hmmpgmd server, also used with the <code>--usemem</code> option.


Added the option to search queries against the novel families identified at

1 - Download the novel families diamond database: ` -F`
2 - Search your queries against the novel families: ` -m novel_fams`


Bug fixes related with hmmer searches using hmmpgmd servers (--usemem option, etc). Fixes 390

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