* CA-971 - Sponsoring site is non-optional, must be optional * CA-1029 - Sites cannot be displayed if the have outside PIs * CA-1037 - Karen Andrerson not listed as PI of Dana Farber * CA-1049 - Allow duplicate people at different sites * Plone 4.2.4 compatibility
Made compatible with Plone 4.1.5 and eea.facetednavigation 4.5
This release includes:
* Depending on just Plone the framework instead of Plone the application.
First they want it reversed, now they don't:
* CA-789 - On the members list, under the site Type box, sort them alphabetically
This release drops the dependency on the P4A_ "subtyper" mechanism, as the EEA_ `faceted navigation`_ mechanism no longer needs it.