- Upgrade to BLAST+ 2.16.0, including runtime improvements to blastp, blastx, and psiblast
Bug fixes: - Better tracking of cloud resource IDs to facilitate resource clean up in case of errors - Use specified AWS region when getting available instance types
- Upgrade to BLAST+ 2.15.0, including improved performance for taxonomy limited searches and [automatic selection of threading model](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK571452/) - Automatically select client vs. cloud query splitting based on query file size - Support for kubernetes versions 1.26 and greater - New [ElasticBLAST batch lengths](https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/doc/elastic-blast/configuration.html#batch-length) for threading by query
Bug fixes: - Fixed bug that led to timeouts in GCP waiting for the persistent volume claim (PVC) to bind - Improve error message if -entrez_query option is given
- Default batch sizes for blastn and dc-megablast lead to improved runtimes - Improve AWS quota check based on the number of vCPUs per instance - Improved logging of dependent tools
Bug fixes:
- Fixed AWS API calls to select instances on all AWS regions
Note to ElasticBLAST users on GCP **ElasticBLAST versions prior to 1.0.0 will stop working after January 31, 2023** because they rely on version 1.21 of kubernetes, which will reach its [end of life on the Google Kubernetes Engine on that date](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/release-schedule). Please upgrade your installation of ElasticBLAST to its latest version.
- ElasticBLAST on AWS now defaults to the[ faster and cheaper EBS gp3 disk type](https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/general-purpose/) - ElasticBLAST on GCP now supports all of the [versions of kubernetes offered by Google Kubernetes Engine](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/release-schedule) - ElasticBLAST on GCP defaults to the stable version of kubernetes offered by Google Kubernetes Engine
Bug fixes:
- ElasticBLAST uses GCP's recommended way of dealing with read/write persistent disk - Long user names no longer cause errors in AWS - Fixed error caused by APIs not being enabled in GCP
Improvements: * Query splitting module supports streaming data from cloud buckets * Improved AWS region validation
Bug fixes: * Fixed problem when AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is not set * Bug fixes for --dry-run mode * --batch-len command line option is recognized