====================== * Fix XsdAttributeGroupProtocol * Improve Unicode support with installable UnicodeData.txt versions * Extend names disambiguation with a fix for issue 78 * Refactor tree builders to fix document position of tails (issue 79)
====================== * Fix and clean node trees iteration methods (issue 72) * Fix missing raw string for '[^\r\n]' (pull request 76) * Full and more specific type annotations
====================== * Improve stand-alone XPath functions builder (issue 70) * Update tokens and parsers __repr__ * Fix static typing protocols to work with etree and XSD elements
====================== * Change the purpose of the evaluation with a dynamic schema context * Add a tox.ini testenv with Python 3.13 pre-releases
====================== * Fix dynamic context initialization with lxml a non-root element (issue 71) * Fix XP30+ function fn:function-lookup * Fix XP30+ fn:unparsed-text, fn:unparsed-text-lines and fn:unparsed-text-available
====================== * Drop support for Python 3.7 * Add *uri* and *fragment* options to dynamic context * Make context root node not mandatory (issue 63) * Add function objects constructor (issue 70)